Figure 7-12.--Size designation of tires.
Julian date (last digit of the year followed by the day of
inches. If only one numerical designation is used for a
the year, or 17 Oct 1985 = 5290). The next positions are
tire, you should assume that it is the outside diameter
completed by the manufacturer and are either numbers
(measurement A).
or letters. They are used to create a unique serial
Standard Identification Markings
number for a particular tire. The cut limit (item 11) is
expressed in thirty-seconds of an inch and is used to
You should be familiar with the markings on the
evaluate the depth of cuts in the thread area. Tires are
sidewall of a tire. You will need this information to
marked with a red dot (item 14) on the sidewall to
complete a VIDS/MAF for a tire change. The markings
indicate the lightweight (balance) point of the tire.
engraved or embossed on a sidewall are shown in figure
Rebuilt Tires Identification Markings
Most of the markings are self-explanatory. Item 10
In the tire rebuilding process, additional mark-
has a maximum of 10 characters. The first four
ings are engraved or embossed on the sidewall. See
positions show the date of manufacture in the form of a
Figure 7-13.--New tire identification markings.