equipment that is equipped with 3-micron (absolute)
filtration. Maintain equipments according to the
Portable hydraulic test stands are mobile sources
applicable MIM and MRC. Keep hydraulic fluid
of external hydraulic power. They can be connected to
dispensing equipment clean. Store it in a clean,
an aircraft hydraulic system to provide power normally
protected environment. Service this equipment on a
obtained from the aircraft hydraulic pumps. The test
periodic basis, including filter servicing. Protect all
stands provide a means of energizing the aircraft's
fittings or hose ends with approved metal closures
hydraulic systems. SE is used on the flight line and in
when not in use.
hanger work areas. In addition, portable test stands are
Use the correct fluids for each piece of
fluid-dispensing equipment, and mark the equipment
They are the primary means of aircraft hydraulic
to indicate the type of fluid. Use the specified
hydraulic fluid to service hydraulic systems. Take
Several types of portable stands are available.
precautions to avoid accidental use of any other fluid.
Their primary difference is their prime power source
Do not leave hydraulic fluid in an open container any
(electric motor or engine driven), functional features,
l o n g e r t h a n n e c e s s a r y, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n d u s t y
and maximum flow capability.
environments. Exposed fluid will readily collect
A/M27T-5 Portable Hydraulic Power Supply
performance. With the exception of fluid cans or
drums installed in approved dispensing units, open
The A/M27T-5 portable hydraulic power supply
cans of hydraulic fluid are prohibited. Containers for
(fig. 9-4), made by Janke and Company, Inc., is
disposal of used fluid must be prominently marked and
replacing the AHT-64 hydraulic test stand made by
identified. Empty fluid containers must be destroyed
Teledyne Sprague Engineering. The A/M27T-5 is a
or returned to supply as appropriate.
modified AHT-64 portable, table hydraulic power
Do not reuse hydraulic fluid drained from
supply unit. It is a self-contained, diesel powered,
hydraulic equipment or components. Dispose of
trailer-mounted unit capable of providing a source of
drained fluid immediately so it will not be accidentally
hydraulic fluid at controlled pressures and flow rates
reused. In the event hydraulic fluid is spilled on other
from 0 gpm at 0 psi to 24 gpm at 3,000 psi, or 13 gpm at
parts of equipment on the aircraft, remove spilled fluid
5,000 psi under ambient temperatures of -25F to
by using approved wiping materials and dry cleaning
+115F and relative humidity of 95 percent. The
solvent MIL-PRF-680.
Model 3-53 Detroit diesel engine is used in the
Q9-1. What three factors contribute to fluid loss in a
A/M27T-5. Minor changes were made to the physical
hydraulic system?
location of system components to make maintenance
easier. See figure 9-5 for a view of the A/M27T-5
Q9-2. What are the three types of hydraulic SE used
central panel. Table 9-1 explains the functions of each
in the Navy?
control and indicator on the panel.
Q9-3. What size filter does the H-250-1 hydraulic
servicing unit use?
A/M27T-7 Portable Hydraulic Power Supply
Q9-4. What is the holding capacity of the integral
The portable hydraulic test stand A/M27T-7 is
reservoir of a HSU-1 servicing unit?
identical to the A/M27T-5 test stand, except that it is
powered by an electric motor. The motor is capable of
Q9-5. On the HSU-1 servicing unit, the sight gauge
operating on 220/440-V, 3-phase, 60-Hz current. The
reads from 0 to 2 gallons in what increments?
principles of operation and operating procedures for
Q9-6. What size filter is used on the Model 310
the A/M27T-7 test stand are basically the same as for
servicing unit?
the A/M27T-5 test stand, with the exception of the
starting and stopping procedures and the use of
Q9-7. What is the length of the service hose of a
electrical power to operate the stand. Refer to
Model 310 servicing unit?
applicable equipment manual (table 9-2) for
Q9-8. What are the three most common types of fluid
operational and maintenance instructions. Figure 9-6
level indicators?
shows a typical A/M27T-7 hydraulic power supply
Q9-9. All support equipment must be maintained
unit. Figure 9-7 shows the primary control panel
according to what publications?
controls and indicators, and figure 9-8 shows the