NOTE: On dual wheel installations, the wheel not
NOTE: To prevent damaging wheel components,
areas for servicing tires and wheels normally have
being serviced should be deflated to 15 psig prior to
loosening any wheel clamps or mounting bolts.
MOUNTING A TIRE.--Use the following
4. Remove the wheel clamps using a crisscross
procedure to mount a tire on a rim:
1. If you are installing a tube in the tire, dust it with
5. Remove the wheel.
talcum powder ZZ-T-416 to assist in assembly and to
reduce chafing. Insert the tube and flap into the tire (fig.
power-operated equipment, when available, for
2-95). Align the valve stem with the balance mark on the
side of the tire. Inflate the tube slightly to hold the tube
demounting tires is recommended. When using
and flap in place and to prevent it from becoming
power-operated equipment, follow the manufacturer's
wrinkled or pinched.
operating instructions carefully. When demounting is
to be done by hand, proceed as follows:
2. Apply rubber lubricant to both tire beads and the
rim flange area.
1. Loosen both tire beads from the rim flanges by
inserting a bead breaking iron between the rim flange
3. Place the rim on rubber matting with the
and the tire bead (fig. 2-95). Work progressively around
demounting flange side up (fig. 2-95). Place the tire on
the rim, rotating the bead breaking iron down and
the rim, and align the valve stem with the valve hole. If
forcing the bead completely into the center well area.
necessary to force the tire bead down into the well area,
Turn the wheel over and repeat the procedure.
tap it in using a rubber hammer. Be careful not to
damage the tire bead seat. Use a flat tire iron to force the
NOTE: Ensure that the tire is fully deflated before
lower tire bead completely into the rim well area. Guide
dislodging the tire beads. Use care in dislodging the
the valve stem through the valve hole in the rim.
tire beads to avoid damaging the bead seats. If the tire
4. Use a flat tire iron to pry the upper tire bead over
bead requires excessive force to break free, apply tire
the edge of the rim (fig. 2-95). Force the bead
lubricant to the bead area.
completely into the well area of the rim.
2. With the demountable flange side facing up,
5. Place the end of the demountable flange,
insert the lock ring tire iron, curved side up, into prying
without the prying notch, into the gutter of the rim (fig.
notch (fig. 2-95). With the iron, pry the flange partly out
2-95). Insert the tire iron into the notch of the flange and
of the rim. Insert a flat tire iron adjacent to the lock ring
under the gutter of the rim. Pry the flange over the edge
tire iron and work both irons progressively around the
of the rim. Hold the flange, and work progressively
rim until the flange is completely removed.
around the rim until the flange is completely down into
3. If the tire has a tube, push the valve stem through
the gutter. Shift the tire and the tube on the rim to center
the hole in the rim. Shift the tire and tube on the rim to
the valve stem in the rim valve hole.
keep the stem away from the edges of the valve hole.
6. Inspect the wheel to insure that the flange is
4. Hold the upper tire bead down into the well area
fully seated under the rim gutter (fig. 2-95). The
of the rim (fig. 2-95). On the opposite side of the rim,
opening between the flange ends should be 3/32 inch to
insert a flat tire iron between the upper bead and the rim.
5/16 inch (1/4 inch is optimum).
Pull the tire iron down, lifting the tire bead partly off the
rim. Use a second tire iron to work progressively around
the rim, completely removing the upper tire bead.
5. Stand the wheel upright. Push down on the rim
Because of its design, the demountable flange rim
so the inner tire bead is positioned in the well area (fig.
is potentially the most dangerous of all the rims
2-95). Insert a flat tire iron between the inner tire bead
handled in the aviation support equipment
and the rim. Pry the tire free of the rim.
community. Personnel servicing this rim/wheel
assembly must adhere to all safety precautions,
6. If the tire has a tube, remove the flap and tube
listed or inferred, in NAVAIR 17-1-129 and other
from the tire (fig. 2-95). Inspect all parts for wear,
applicable technical manuals.
it should be cleaned, coated, and finished according to
maintenance instructions.