7. Continue inflating until the service pressure for
the tire is reached. Then, leave the tire in the safety cage
Never repair or adjust tires alone. And, under no
for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, recheck the pressure.
circumstances should you reach into, or enter, the
If no loss is detected, reduce the pressure in the tire to 50
tire inflating cage for the purpose of servicing or
percent of service pressure, or 15 psig, whichever is the
adjusting equipment, except in the presence of
someone capable of rendering aid.
8. Remove the wheel from the inflation cage.
While an inflation cage is in operation, do not
Remove the servicing hose fitting and valve adapter, and
allow any person to rest or lean against the cage.
install a valve cap, finger tight.
Do not place any equipment on, or lean any
The wheel is now ready to be placed in storage or
equipment against, the cage.
mounted on a vehicle.
I f t h e B e a d s Fa i l t o S e a t D u r i n g
Inflating the Tire.--The unintended explosive
Inflation.--Occasionally beads will fail to seat due to
separation of tire and rim components is the primary
friction between the bead and the rim. If the beads will
cause of accidents during tire/wheel servicing. For this
not seat, deflate the tire, remove it from the cage, and
reason, servicing should only be conducted by fully
apply fresh tire lubricant. Return the tire to the cage
certified personnel, or personnel under the direct
and repeat the inflation procedure.
supervision of certified personnel.
Use the following steps to inflate a tire after
mounting it on a rim:
Inflated tires should be inspected for proper flange
and tire bead seating while still contained within
1. Remove the valve core (or deflated tire flag),
the inflation cage. However, do not try to correct
and attach the tire valve adapter to the valve stem (fig.
the seating of tire beads or rim flange by
hammering, striking, or otherwise forcing the
2. Attach the servicing hose fitting to the valve
components while the tire is pressurized.
3. Place the wheel in the inflation safety cage (fig.
2-96). Close and secure the door of the safety cage.
If a Significant Pressure Loss is Noted After
Inflating the Tire.--If a significant pressure loss is
4. Select the proper gauging element from the tire
noted during the 10 minute wait following inflation of
inflator assembly, and attach it to the remote controller.
a tire, use the following steps to correct the problem:
5. Connect the servicing hose to the remote
1. Reduce pressure 50 percent of service pressure,
controller, and connect the remote controller to the shop
or 15 psig, whichever is the lesser.
air supply.
6. Inflate the tire to a maximum of 10 psig, and
2. Remove the wheel from the inflation cage.
allow it to fully deflate. This should cause the tube to
3. Remove the servicing hose and valve adapter.
center itself in the tire, and the tire bead should seat onto
the bead seat. Then, inflate the tire with just enough
4. Determine the cause of the leak and make
pressure to seat both tire beads against the rim flanges.
repairs. Some common causes are:
The beads should seat before reaching the service
A defective or incorrect valve core
pressure for the tire.
A loose valve stem or damaged seal
A defective rim/tire seal area (tubeless)
Never exceed tire service pressure while seating
the beads. The beads may strike the flange with
A defective tire inner liner (tubeless)
enough force to break, jump the flange, or
otherwise damage the tire.
A puncture
A defective or cut valve stem (tube)