for worn steering knuckle parts and loose wheel
Q2-10. The pitman arm connects the steering
bearings by grasping the top and bottom of each wheel
and shaking it to determine the amount of wobble.
Test the steering gear by watching the pitman arm
The tie rod ends
while someone turns the steering wheel. If
The king pins
considerable movement of the steering wheel is
The axle
required to set the pitman arm in motion, the steering
The connecting rod
gear is either worn or out of adjustment and requires
Q2-11. What are the principal parts of a steering
adjustment to the manufacturer's specifications.
gear unit?
Adjust the length of the tie rod to increase or
The worm gear and sector
decrease the toe-in. If the vehicle has two tie rods, it is
The worm gear and connecting rod
necessary to adjust each equally. In figure 2-15, the
The sector and pitman arm
right-hand tie rod is adjusted for the proper setting.
The sector and the Recirculating balls
Figure 2-18 shows a cross section of one of the ends.
Q2-12. Which of the following conditions can cause
Before making any adjustments, count the number
excessive play in the steering system?
of exposed threads at the ends of the tie rod. One end of
1. Improper adjustment of the steering gear
the tie rod has a right-hand thread, and the other end has
a left-hand thread that screws into the fitting. Turning
2. Improper adjustment of the steering
the rod in one direction so that more of these threads
enter the fitting shortens the rod. Turning the rod in the
3. Improper adjustment of the brakes
opposite direction exposes more threads, and the rod
4. Improper wheel alignment
becomes longer. Very little turning is required to
change the length of the rod.
Q2-13. Front-end geometry does NOT include which
of the following terms?
To increase or decrease toe-in, loosen the clamp
bolts and turn the rod in the direction that will give you
the proper adjustment. Use a pipe wrench and make
one turn at a time. If the tie rod is behind the axle,
Pinion tilt
lengthening the tie rod increases toe-in, and shortening
Pivot inclination
it decreases toe-in. If the tie rod is in front of the axle,
Q2-14. Which of the following statements best
then lengthening it decreases toe-in, and shortening it
describes wheel caster?
increases toe-in. Always tighten the clamp bolts after
making an adjustment.
1. The number of turns required to adjust
the connecting rod one inch
2. The number of inches the front wheel
points in towards the center of the unit
While repairing or adjusting the steering system
3. The number of degrees the wheel is
and the wheel alignment, be sure the vehicle is
pointed in or out at the top
stationary. At least one wheel should be blocked on
4. The number of degrees the steering
both sides, even if the equipment is on a level
knuckle is tilted to the rear or front
surface. Aboard ship a four to eight point tie down
may be required
Q2-9. Which of the following components keep the
front wheels in proper alignment?
types of brake systems. Identify procedures for
The pitman arm
inspecting, checking, testing, troubleshooting,
The tie rod
and repairing brake systems. Describe the
The king pin
relationship between the brake system and the
The connecting rod