Figure 2-12.--Power steering system.
surface. When the vehicle does not steer properly, it
should be checked for sagging springs, defective shock
Maintenance of the steering system consists of
absorbers, or looseness in the steering gear or linkage.
r eg u l a r i n s p e c t i o n s , m a i n t a i n i n g p r o p e r w h e e l
Uneven tire inflation also could be the cause.
alignment, lubrication, and occasional adjustment and
replacement of parts to compensate for wear. The
driver can usually sense steering and alignment
troubles, as well as detect hard steering or play in the
Steering components, springs, and shock
steering system. But, it is the responsibility of the AS
absorbers should be checked daily before operation of
to find the trouble and to remedy it.
the vehicle. This preoperational inspection consists of
a visual inspection for signs of lubricant leakage,
Some play in the steering wheel is normal and
corrosion of steering or suspension components, and
provides for easier steering of the vehicle. A large
amount of play, however, means a freer movement of
loose parts, such as steering or spring components. The
the steering wheel without a corresponding movement
preoperational inspection is normally the
of the front wheels. Too much wheel play is caused by
responsibility of the operator.
improper adjustment or wear of the steering linkage,
When inspecting the steering mechanism, you
steering knuckle plates, or loose wheel bearings.
may need someone to assist you by turning the steering
Hard steering may be caused by very tight
wheel back and forth through the free play while you
adjustments, mechanical difficulties in the steering
check the linkage and connections. This will allow you
gear or linkages, not enough air in the tires, or improper
to more easily determine if the steering gear is secured
wheel alignment.
rigidly to the frame and no excessive looseness of the
Sometimes the driver may say that the vehicle
linkage or gearbox is present. A slight amount of free
"wanders." However, it may be that the driver tends to
play may seem insignificant, but if allowed to remain,
over-steer the vehicle. Nevertheless, the vehicle should
the free play will quickly increase and result in poor
be checked for low tire pressures, tight or loose wheel
steering control.
and brake adjustments, or improper front wheel
alignment. "Pulling" of the vehicle when braking
Wheel Alignment
could be caused by grabbing brakes. If the vehicle
"pulls" when driven, check for proper toe-in and
Steering control depends greatly upon the position
toe-out in addition to the other causes already
of the wheels in relation to the rest of the vehicle and
the surface over which it travels. Any changes from the
specified setting of the wheels affect steering and the
Steering shocks, caused by sharp and rapid
riding control of the vehicle. Therefore, the proper
movements of the steering wheel, may be the result of
driving over a rough surface or hitting objects on the
wheel alignment is important for vehicle control.