2. Pump Operation Using Nitrogen Drive:
for pump operation using nitrogen drive. The
only difference in procedures is that an air
NOTE: Open only one red lever control valve at
source (usually shop/ship service air) of at least
any one time to prevent equalizing cylinder pressure.
117 psi is connected to the external air connector
a. Open the red lever control valve (5) of the
(11), and the motor inlet selector valve (7) is set
cylinder with the highest pressure, allowing
nitrogen to flow to the pump inlet valve (8).
NOTE: The number in parenthesis following the
b. Open the pump inlet valve (8). This action
component name refers to figures 9-5 and/or 9-6.
preloads the nitrogen unit's charging system
SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE.--After servicing
by allowing nitrogen to flow through the
an external system, use the following steps to shut
check valves (29), purifier (24), and filter
down the system. (Refer back to figures 9-5 and 9-6 to
(23) to the manifold pressure gauge (15) and
locate the components and trace the flow of nitrogen.)
inlet of the pressure regulator (17).
1. Close all six lever control valves (4 and 5).
c. Open the green lever control valve (4) of the
cylinder with the lowest pressure above 200
2. Ensure the regulator (17) is set for no-flow.
psi, allowing nitrogen to flow to the
3. Ensure the manifold shutoff valve (10) and the
manifold shutoff valve (10) and the motor
pump inlet valve (8) are open.
inlet selector valve (7). Set the motor inlet
selector valve (7) to NITROGEN. This
4. Remove the protective cap (22) from the
allows nitrogen to flow through the motor
servicing line (1).
regulator (25) to the motor. The motor and
pump (19) will begin to cycle. The amount
5. Firmly hold the servicing line (1) and slowly
of pressure going to the motor will be
open the servicing line valve (2).
displayed on the motor inlet gauge (16).
6. Set the pressure regulator (17) to flow by turning
After the nitrogen drives the motor piston, it
its knob clockwise.
is expelled to the atmosphere through the
7. After the manifold pressure gauge (15) and
outlet pressure gauges (13 and 14) indicate zero,
NOTE: The pump will stop cycling automatically
close the pump inlet valve (8) and manifold
when the manifold pressure gauge reaches 3,500 psi,
shutoff valve (10), and set the pressure regulator
and it will restart when the pressure drops below 3,500
(17) for no flow by turning its know fully
psi. Should the pump slow or stop before the manifold
pressure gauge reaches the desired servicing pressure
or 3,500 psi, check the pressures of the two open
8. Close the servicing line valve (2), cap the line,
cylinders. If either cylinder is 200 psi or less, close it
and store the hose in the storage box.
and open the lever control valve (4 or 5) of the next
NOTE: The number in parenthesis following the
cylinder with the lowest pressure above 200 psi.
component name refers to figures 9-5 and/or 9-6.
d. When the desired servicing pressure is
indicated on the manifold pressure gauge
(15), set the motor inlet selector valve (7) to
ING UNIT.-- Use the following steps to recharge the
OFF and close both lever control valves (4
and 5) and the pump inlet valve (8).
1. Position the trailer near the charging unit.
e. Open the manifold shutoff valve (10).
2. Ensure all valves (2, 4 through 10, and 17) are
f. Adjust the pressure regulator (17) to the
closed or set for no flow.
desired servicing pressure and continue with
3. Open the manifold by-pass valve (6).
the servicing operation as previously
4. Open all six lever control valves (4 and 5) from
3. Pump Operation Using Air Drive: Pump
lowest to highest pressure to equalize cylinder
operation using air drive is virtually the same as