can be determined. The temperature at which an engine
Q3-9. The resistance to motion between two objects
will operate has a great deal to do with determining
is known by what term?
what metals must be used in its construction.
To simplify the service parts problem in the field,
and also to simplify servicing procedures, the present
trend in engine construction and design is toward what
is called "engine families." There must, of necessity, be
Which of the following statements best
many different kinds of engines because there are many
describe the advantages of increasing the
kinds of jobs to be done. However, the service and
compression of an engine?
service part problem can be simplified by designing
1. The cost of the engine will be decreased
engines so that they are closely related in cylinder size,
2. The engine will perform better at high
valve arrangement, etc. As an example, the GM series
71 engines can be obtained in 2-, 3-, 4-, and 6-cylinder
3. The amount of air needed to run the en-
inline models. GM V-type engines come in 6-, 8-, 12-,
gine will decrease
and 16-cylinder models. These engines are designed so
4. The power and economy will increase
that many of the internal parts can be used on any of the
Which of the following components deter-
mines the position of the valves in an engine?
The crankshaft
The stationary parts of an engine include the
The piston
cylinder block, cylinder head or heads, crankcase, and
The camshaft
The flywheel
the framework of the engine. All movable parts are
attached to or fitted into this framework.
Cylinder Block
components of gasoline and diesel engines.
The engine cylinder block is the basic frame of a
Identify procedures for inspecting, checking,
liquid-cooled engine, whether it be inline, horizontally
testing, and adjusting gasoline and diesel
opposed, or V-type. The cylinder block and crankcase
engines. Identify procedures for trouble-
are often cast in one piece; this is the heaviest single
shooting gasoline and diesel engines.
piece of metal in the engine. (See fig. 3-16.) In most
As an AS, you are concerned with the many
large diesel engines, such as those used in power plants,
stationary and moving parts of an internal combustion
the crankcase is cast separately and is attached to a
engine, as well as how these parts are made, what
heavy stationary engine base.
materials they are made of, and their relationship to one
In practically all automotive and aviation support
another in the smooth and efficient operation of the
equipment, however, the cylinder block and crankcase
internal combustion engine.
are cast in one piece. This type of cylinder block is
You will also have to diagnose malfunctions of the
designated as a cast-en-block or monoblock engine. In
engine and determine what method to use in the
this course we are concerned primarily with monoblock
correction of these malfunctions. Since gasoline and
liquid-cooled engines.
diesel engines used in today's aviation support
The cylinders of a liquid-cooled engine are
equipment are all basically the same internally,
surrounded by interconnecting passages cast in the
the majority of items covered in this course apply to
block. Collectively these passages form the water
jacket, which allows the circulation of coolant through
Basic engine construction varies little, regardless
the cylinder block and the cylinder head to carry off the
of size and design of the engine. The intended use of an
engine must be considered before the design and size