1. Inner male guide
4. Scale
2. Deck
5. Pointer assembly
3. Slot
Figure 4-15.Expansion indicators.
6. Support
7. 9-foot cylinder
expansion indicators move with the cylinders, and
expansion can be measured directly by reading the scale
beside the pointer.
The cylinder elongation indicators (fig. 4-16)
provide a remote indication of power cylinder elonga-
tion (expansion).
The elongation indicators function mechanically. A
bracket attached to the forward power cylinder extends
through the trough wall. A round shaft of thermally
stable material is attached to the bracket and extends
aft, where it connects with a mechanical indicator
attached to the trough wall near the launching valve
assembly. Movement of the forward cylinder is
transferred to a pointer, which moves along a fixed
scale and indicates the cylinder elongation position limit
switch when the desired elongation is obtained.
The lubrication system provides lubricating oil for
launching engine cylinder walls by injecting lubricating
oil through the cylinder covers, with a spray pattern that
ensures even lubrication of the cylinder walls before
passage of the launching engine pistons. Lubrication is
accomplished automatically during catapult operations.
On the C-11 and C-7 types of catapults, it occurs when
the crank on the main control console is rotated from
the FIRST READY position to the FINAL READY
position and again when it is rotated from HALF
CYCLE to RETRACT. Lubrication is accomplished
automatically on the C-13-type catapults when an
electrical solenoid valve is energized at the FINAL
READY and RETRACT CATAPULT conditions. It can
also be accomplished manually by pushing the
LUBRICATION push button on the control console.
Manual lubrication can be accomplished on the C-11
and C-7 catapults by rotating the crank on the console
back and forth from the FIRST READY to the FINAL
READY position if the grab is aft, or from the HALF
CYCLE to the STOW position if the grab is forward.
Manual lubrication is required prior to maneuvering the
shuttle for other than a short distance.
Catapult Trough
The catapult trough, recessed in the flight deck,
contains the launching cylinders, cylinder foot stools,