At this time, the distribution piping is filled with
N2 gas, which is vented to the atmosphere, and the
piping filled with MOGAS prior to opening the tank-
3. Vent into a 5-gallon safety can.
Stand clear of the nozzle when venting
inert gas into the atmosphere.
4. Align MOGAS piping for venting IAW CFOSS.
5. Monitor transfer pump discharge line pressure
and report when inert gas (N2) pressure is 0 psi.
6. Close the transfer pump discharge and suction
valves, filter outlet and inlet valves, and venturi dis-
charge. Report the MOGAS system is aligned for filling
the MOGAS tank.
To replenish the MOGAS system, follow these
1. Before connecting the hose from the refueling
source, first ground the refueling source to the deck,
then to the filling connection.
2. Couple the fueling hose to the 2 1/2-inch con-
nection and open the filling connection valve.
3. Set the flowmeter to 0 gallon.
4. Open the tanktop valve and tell the refueling
source to start pumping at a low rate.
The pumproom operator must constantly
monitor tanktop pressure when filling the tank.
Do NOT exceed rated tanktop pressure (nor-
mally, 23 psi is the maximum). Throttle the
filling isolation valve as necessary to maintain
acceptable pressure.
5. Take a sample at the receiving station and in-
spect the system for leaks. If the gasoline is good and
there are no leaks, increase the pumping rate.
As soon as seawater is observed discharg-
ing from the overboard discharge, notify the
pumproom operator.
6. When the tanks are approximately 75% full with
MOGAS (to allow sufficient room to drain back the
MOGAS distribution piping), do the following:
a. Order the refueling source to stop pumping.
b. After pumping has stopped, close the
vehicle fueling/filling station isolation valve.
c. Close the tanktop valve.
To align the MOGAS system for draining, purg-
ing, and making inert after receiving, use the follow-
ing procedure:
1. Make sure the following valves are closed:
a. Filling station/transfer valve.
b. Tanktop valve.
2. Make sure the following valves are open:
MOGAS filling line isolation valve.
Flow meter inlet valve.
Flow meter outlet valve.
Vehicle fueling/filling station isolation
Flow meter bypass valve.
3. Observe the fill line sight glass to determine the
liquid level in the piping. Open the MOGAS tanktop
4. Open the air operated N2 inert gas supply valve.
5. When the liquid level in the fill line sight glass
disappears, close the MOGAS tanktop valve.
The tanktop valve must be closed immedi-
ately when the liquid level drops below the
sight glass, to prevent N2 inert gas from enter-
ing the draw-off tank.
6. Close the air-operated N2 inert gas supply valve.
Report that the MOGAS piping is drained and the
piping is now being purged. To purge the piping, use
the following procedures:
1. Make sure the following valves are open:
a. Filter bypass valve.
b. Venturi outlet valve.
c. Transfer pumps blowback valve.