Figure 6-14.Adjusting the inert-gas-pressure regulating valve.
To put the reducing valve in operation, use the
following procedure:
1. Close the valve body needle valve and dome
needle valve.
2. Close the stop valve on the low-pressure side.
Open the inlet valve on the high-pressure side and
open the low-pressure gage valve.
3. Open the body needle valve one-half turn to
permit gas to flow into the loading channel.
4. Open the dome needle valve slowly. This
permits gas to flow into the dome. Gas entering the
dome flows through the orifice in the dome plate and
acts on top of the diaphragm.
Figure 6-15.Inert gas system balanced, valve closed.
5. The increasing gas pressure forces the
diaphragm down and slowly opens the valve. Gas
then flows through the valve opening into the low-
pressure side of the valve and into the lower pressure
chamber, There, the increasing pressure of the gas
acts on the underside of the diaphragm, pushing it up
to close the valve (fig. 6-15). When the low-pressure
gages register the desired pressure, take the
following actions:
a. Close the dome needle valve.
b. Close the body needle valve.
The valve is now adjusted and ready for use.
Figure 6-16 shows the pressure-regulating valve in
Figure 6-16.Valve in operation.