transaction in conversation code N615, conversation
code N668 inquiry should have an LSC of COMPL.)
The LSC OFISS discrepancy may exist when the
quantity entered in conversation code N610 does not
match the issued quantity on conversation code N615.
Perform the following steps to clear/update the
1. First, use conversation code N655 to view the
DDSN in OFISS status. (Conversation code N668
inquiry status also reads OFISS.)
2. Second and final step, use conversation code
N652 to update POD to equal ISSIP quantity. (If the
transaction is successful, conversation code N668
inquiry should have an LSC of COMPL.)
Material Is Not Available. When the material
requested is not carred (NC) or not in stock (NIS), the
following procedures apply:
. If material is not available, the LSC is updated
to REFER by using conversation code N610.
The requisition record is also identified as NIS
or NC, referring to material availability. The
REFER quantity can also be updated if it is
different than the quantity ordered. (The status
on conversation code N668 inquiry should read
NC or NIS.)
. A copy of DD Form 1348-1 is forwarded to PMU
for referral action.
. Conversation code N689 is used to display all
requisitions with an LSC of NIS or NC.
l In pre-post activity (SUADPS-RT3), the
following procedures are used to process
requisitions with LSC of NIS/NC for referral:
View DDSN with LSC NIS/NC by using
conversation code N689. (The status code
in conversation code N668 should be NIS or
Select REFER in conversation code N610
screen by putting an X on the REFER block.
This action also creates supply referral
interface record. (After processing the
transaction in conversation code N610, the
status code in conversation N668 inquiry
should read BM.)
Supply will receive requisitions from customers
through conversation codes N601, N251, N249, and
Repairable (Non-Serial Number) Item
Issue. Material requests are processed according to
the following procedures:
Customers will submit requisitions using any
conversations codes mentioned above.
The system will print DD Form 1348-1 at
the designated printer.
The system prints a Critical Item Notice
when RFI quantity reaches critical level.
The status code in conversation code N668
inquiry reads ISSIP.
The transaction decreases the RFI onhand
quantity and increases the SOIOU quantity.
The unit, where the designated printer is located,
forwards the DD Form 1348-1 to MDU for
delivery of the RFI item and pick up of NRFI
turn-in for induction to the repair cycle.
Enter issued quantity for proof of delivery by
using conversation code N615. (The status code
in conversation code N668 inquiry reads
The NRFI turn-in will be inducted by AMSU
into the repair cycle. (Conversation code M675
DIFM inquiry shows the detailed information of
the item inducted.)
Upon completing the repair cycle, the repairable
item will be either repaired (RFI) or declared as
beyond capability of maintenance (BCM).
(Conversation code N812 displays the message
Process due-in from maintenance (DIFM) by
using conversation code N621. This transaction
will clear the completed MCN from the DIFM
quantity of conversation code N677 and the
conversation code N812 Mailbox.
Repairable Turn-In Is Repaired. If the turn-in
is repaired and returned to Ready For Issue (RFI) status,
the following procedures apply:
l Upon receipt of RFI item from AIMD, determine
if there is an outstanding requirement for the
asset in conversation code N621 select screen.
l If no outstanding requirement, the system will
generate a stow hardcopy notice after processing
in conversation code N621.