wrong item, the item is non-RFI, or the item is
If the erroneous item being issued is RFI, return the
item to the location and breakout the correct item for
issue. If the item is not available for issue, process the
requisition as warehouse refusal and update the LSC to
EXREP. If the erroneous item being issued is non-RFI,
exchange with a correct RFI part, if available. If the
item is not available, process the warehouse refusal and
update the LSC to EXREP.
situations will arise and will require actions to keep
inventory records in agreement with the quantity in
storage. The procedures for processing the required
transactions are described in the following paragraphs.
Inventory Adjustments of Repairable
Assets. To perform this task, follow the procedures
described below.
Review stock posture by using conversation code
N677. The screen will display stock status
Use conversation code N632 to generate
inventory listing. Conversation code N632
allows supply personnel to start a spot inventory
of a specific FGC or up to four NIINs. It also
contains options to generate an inventory of
larger quantity such as specific pool type or all
repairable items.
Conversation code N634 is used to display all
inventory records for completion or cancellation.
(If the inventory is processed as complete and the
physical count has not been posted, the system
will generate a request for RFI inventory
exception listing.
This report request is
submitted to the system administrator to print the
RFI inventory exception listing.)
If there is no adjustment needed to the inventory
records, no further action is necessary.
If adjustment to the inventory record is required,
determine if the transaction that needs to be
processed is LBI or GBI.
If the transaction is LBI, use the procedures for
If the transaction is GBI, post the RFI quantity
by using conversation code N633.
Conversation code N633 allows the issue of
outstanding D173 requisitions.
If there are no outstanding DTO requisitions
or the material is returned to stock, the
processing in conversation code N633 will
decrease the suspense counter and increase
the RFI counter.
The gained RFI quantity may be issued to a
requisition in EXREP or REFER status.
If the RFI quantity is issued to an EXREP,
process the transaction by using conversation
code N668. Update the LSC to ISSIP, ISSER, or
Issue of the RFI quantity to a requisition with
REFER status creates an external AC1
(cancellation request) in UADPS sites only.
Processing the RFI quantity for issue adjusts
DIFM and ERIOU and decreases the
suspense counter.
Selecting issue transaction will also create
supply interface records and print HCN DD
Form 1348-1 (issue document).
Upon receipt of the signed copy of the issue
document, enter the quantity for proof of delivery
by using conversation code N615. (The status on
conversation code N668 inquiry should read
COMPL after processing the transaction in
conversation code N615.)
Survey Processing. Process the survey only upon
receipt of the completed DD Form 200. Surveys are
processed by using conversation code N635, N636, or
N638. The survey is also processed for material lost in
shipment by using conversation code N613.
Conversation code N635 is used to record the
survey of an item for which the survey document is
received from the requisitioner (customer) in exchange
for an RFI asset. (Conversation code N635 creates
supply interface records.) After completing the survey
process in conversation code N635, conversation code
N676 screen display should show a decrease in Supply
Officer IOU (SOIOU) quantity.
The conversation code N636 is used to record the
survey of a DIFM for which a survey has been received
from the IMA in exchange of a lost or missing
After processing the transaction in
conversation code N636, conversation code
N675 inquiry will show a decrease in DIFM