If there is an outstanding requirement, selecttransaction from screen display titled, DIFMReturn Issue Select” in conversation code M621.(After selecting the issue, the status of theselected DDSN should read ISSIP.)The system will create the Divert to OtherCustomer Notice when the item is being issuedto a customer other than the original customer.(The term ORIGINAL CUSTOMER refers to theactivity who turned-in the repairable item thatwas repaired.)The system will generate the DD Form 1348-1when the item is being issued to the originalcustomer. (After processing in N621, the systemcreates supply interface records].) The UADPScreates interface record if the NIIN issued isdifferent from the NIIN RFI’d as a result of stockcross-i ssues.)Upon receipt of signed copy of the issuedocument, enter the quantity issued for proof ofdelivery by using conversation code N615. (Thestatus code in conversation code N668 inquiryreads COMPL when transaction is completed inconversation code N615.)Repairable Item Is Not Repaired.— If therepairable item is not repaired and determined asbeyond capability of maintenance (BCM), the item isin a Nor Ready For Issue (NRFI) condition. Uponreceipt of the NRFI component from IMA, determine ifthe item is stock asset or inducted as expeditious repair(EXREP).If the repairable item is EXREP (the item belongsto the customer), process the requisition as follows:. The EXREP requisition will be updated to anLSC of REFER after processing the return ofcomponent in conversation code N621.———Conversation code N621 will decrease theDIFM counter.Interface records will be created.The status code in conversation code N668inquiry should read REFER.If the repairable item is stock asset, use thefollowing procedures:. Processing of conversation code N621 for stockasset will result in a decrease in DIFM counterand an increase in the due counter.————The systemw i l l p e r f o r m s t o ckreplenishment as required.The system will print the DD Form 1348-1shipping document according to MRIL ifthe disposition is shipment to the designatedrepair point (DRP) or Hub.‘he conversation code N671 inquiry willdisplay the stock due for the family groupcode (FGC).Conversation code N669 inquiry displaysall outstanding DDSNs for the NIIN.Requisition Control Unit (RCU)The RCU is responsible for receiving materialrequests from OMA and IMA and maintainingassociated files and reports. The RCU is alsoresponsible for forwarding issue documents to MDUand requisitions requiring research to TRU.MATERIAL ISSUE.— When material is issuedfrom stock, RCU receives the proof of delivery (POD)from MDU, processes conversation code N615, andfiles the POD.MATERIAL IS NIS/NC.— If the requestedmaterial is not available, RCU processes the requisitionas follows:If the material requested is consumable, annotatethe requisition as NIS or NC. Forward the requisitionto TRU for possible substitute or next higher assembly.If unable to fill the requisition, update the LSC toREFER. For NMCS, PMCS, and work stoppagerequisitions, forward to PMU for referral to the supplysystem.If the material requested is repairable, RCU willreceive a copy of DD Form 1348 marked EXREP.Requests being processed for EXREP because ofwarehouse refusal must be verifiied. Before processingthe requisition as EXREP, check all the staging areas forthe material. If RFI material is not found, processwarehouse refusal in NALCOMIS throughconversation code N628. Forward the DD Form 1348marked EXREP to MDU for pick up of the repairableturn-in. Requisitions for an authorized remain-in-placeitem that is NIS/NC will be forwarded to PMU forreferral to the supply system.DISCREPANT MATERIAL ISSUED.— Therewill be some instances when the item issued to thecustomer is discrepant and will not satisfy therequirement. For example, the material issued is a7-7
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