quantity is lined out, but not obliterated, and the
quantity actually received is marked directly below the
lined-out quantity. The word Discrepancy is stamped
or written on the document. Depending upon the
circumstances of the exception, the material is placed
either in stock or in a temporary holding area pending
disposition. The marked document is then forwarded
to the financial inventory control/clerical function
section for exception processing.
Material Turned in to Store
Navy material returned nom the customer to stock
points has traditionally been called material turned into
store (MTIS). Stock points carry material in stores
accounts such as Navy Stock Account (NSA) or
appropriation purchase account (APA).
MTIS is used primarily to take ready for issue (RFI)
turn in from customer activities and return them to stock
to meet anticipated requirements. When a retail stock
point does not carry the MTIS in stock, a formal inquiry
procedure to declare the material excess to the
wholesale item manager via the DOD material returns
program (MRP) is initiated according to instructions as
outlined in NAVSUP P-437, chapter 2.
MTIS is placed in local stock when the item is
within the authorized retention limit of the activ-
TION. A material screening and identification
section should be available at all shore activities for
MTIS. MTIS is held in this section during the screening
and identification process. During the screening
process, material received with proper documentation
and packed in a professionally packaged container is
inspected using the same procedures as a routine receipt
from other sources.
Effective MTIS operation requires the use of
technical reference material for identification process
and decision making in determining when to place the
item(s) in stock (with or without credit), when to send
an excess inquiry to the item manager, or when to
determine that the item has no use to the Navy and
qualifies for transfer to the DRMO. The following
resource documents should be available for personnel
performing the MTIS screening to use in this
decision-making process: Management List-
Consolidated (ML-C); Master Cross Reference List
(MCRL); Master Repairable Item List (MRIL);
Navy Item Control Number (NICN) to National
Item Identification Number (NIIN); and the demand
history record (either microfiche or printout) when
Upon receipt of MTIS, receiving personnel
should verify quantity and check in the material as
Release a receipted copy of the turn-in document
to the representative of the activity turning in the
material (when such representative is available
and has provided one additional copy of the DD
Form 1348-1 for this purpose).
Attach a minimum of three copies, and any
additional available copies of the DD Form
1348-1, to the material and forward to the area
designated for screening and identification, if
identified and classified under one of the following
categories as described in the following infor-
For material identified by federal supply class or
federal supply group in an RFI condition and for which
the instructions provide that the material will be taken
up in stock, the annotation Ready for Issue (RFI) is
made on the receipt document.
For mandatory turn-in repairable (MTR) material
that is not in an RFI (NRFI) condition, the MRIL should
be used to identify the appropriate MTR processing
activity where the material will be shipped. However,
activities supported by a Hub must ship NRFI
retrograde via the ATAC Hub.
Material not required for stock, regardless of its
condition upon receipt, is subject to an inquiry from the
wholesale manager for disposition and held pending
For material determined to be scrap, the annotation
Excess-Dispose of Scrap is applied to the receipt
document. The decision to send any material to the
DRMO should be considered very seriously for
other than valid scrap. Any items in doubt should be
referred to the inventory control officer for final
When proper classification of the material has been
determined, a minimum of three copies of the DD Form
1348-1 for each classification of material should be
marked with one of the descriptions discussed above.
A copy of the DD Form 1348-1 must be attached to the