activitys type commander. The ROD forwarded to the
turn-in activity and type commander is for information
only. The ICP will later contact the turn-inactivity with
a notification of potential balling adjustment when the
discrepancy involves turn in of a wrong item.
Misidentification discrepancies are recorded by the
ATAC Hub via an automated program. The turn-in
activities are provided with an automated listing of all
discrepancies. This listing includes an indicator of a
potential billing adjustment. Discrepancy summaries
are also forwarded to type commanders and fleet
commanders. The ICP receives only the information
necessary to investigate discrepancies with potential
billing adjustments.
File Requirements. Retain closed ROD case
files for a period of 1 year after receipt of reply from the
action activity. Maintain a separate case file by fiscal
year. Maintain an outstanding ROD file for monitoring
Control System. Maintains a control system for
monitoring RODS. This may be accomplished using
either the manual or mechanized method. At a
minimum, the record should include the following
Report number assigned to the ROD
Date of submission
Action activity
Requisition or contract number
NSN and cognizance symbol
Extended money value
Discrepancy cited
Action requested
Date reply received
Follow-up date
Follow-up or Cancellation. Navy action
activities are required to reply within 45 days after
receipt of ROD. Follow-ups should be numbered as
first follow-up, second follow-up, and so on. The first
follow-up should be submitted to the action activity 60
days after submission of the original ROD. Submit
subsequent follow-ups at 30 day intervals.
Cancellation of ROD by the submitting activity
requires a copy of the ROD, marked CANCELED, to
be forwarded to the action activity. The ROD copy
must be annotated with clarifying data in the remarks
block and signature and the date the person submitted
the cancellation.
Distribution of Copies. Distribute copies of
shipping-type and packaging-type RODS as portrayed
in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2. In all cases, one copy must
be attached to the material and a copy in the file.
Transportation discrepancies in shipments sent through
the Defense Transportation System (DTS) and
shipments within the continental United States
(CONUS) moved by commercial carriers are reported
on a Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP),
Standard Form 361. The types of discrepancies to be
reported and detailed instructions for the preparation
and distribution of DISREPs are outlined in
nAVSUPINST 4610.33.
Receipt of Material for Stock
Material received for stock, other than material
turned into store (MTIS), is delivered to the storage area
by receiving personnel with a copy of the DD Form
1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A, stamped Storage. The
storage location information is obtained from locator
files and is marked in block 10 of the receipt document.
When the storage location actually used is different
from the location indicated in the locator file, or when
no location has been established, the receipt document
must be marked with the words location change or new
Upon receipt of the material and storage copy of the
receipt document, the storeroom custodian performs the
necessary count, identification, and inspection for
damage when not performed in the receiving area.
When there are no exceptions, the material is stored in
the indicated location or in (a) new location(s), as
necessary. The storage copy is completed by inserting
initials of the storeroom custodian and date of receipt
in block 9 of the DD Form 1348-1. The completed
receipt document is then forwarded to the financial
inventory control section, or other action as required by
established local procedures.
When exceptions in quantity, identification, or
other conditions are discovered, the storeroom
custodian marks the storage copy of the DD Form
1348-1 with correct information directly below the
pertinent printed data on the receipt document. The