NAVSUP Publication 1, Volume 2, chapter 3.
Additional information on reporting
discrepancies is covered in the Report of
Discrepancy (ROD) Manual, NAVSUPINST
4440.179, and Reporting of Transportation
Discrepancies in Shipment, NAVSUPINST
. Remove all three of the outside packing copies
of the DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A
attached to the containers except those intended
for further delivery (DTO or transshipment).
. In block 7 of the DD Form 1348-1, enter the
checkers initials and date when material was
physically checked.
Enter any exceptions in
blocks BB or CC. On the DD Form 1348-1A,
enter the information on the RECEIVED BY
AND DATE block located in the middle part of
the right-hand side.
l When a narcotic or controlled drug (item
assigned pilferage code R or Special Material
Content Code A) is received, a copy of the
receiving invoice is furnished to the senior
member of the local controlled medicinal
inventory board.
MENTS. The disposition of material and documents
for the various categories of receipts is as follows:
. Stock material. Stamp one copy of the DD Form
1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A Storage and one
copy Preposting. Attach the storage copy to the
material involved and forward to the appropriate
storage area. Forward the preposting copy, the
extra copy removed from the container, the
advance copy received with or related to the
transportation document, and the copy of the
transportation document, if available, to receipt
control for further processing.
. DTO to a work center or department. Stamp
Direct Delivery on all copies of the DD Form
1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A (three copies
removed from the material and one received with
the related transportation document). Forward
material to the work center or department
identified in the supplementary address field of
the receipt document, using one copy of the DD
Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A as the
delivery document.
When a work center or
department is not identified on the receipt
document, request delivery instructions from
receipt control.
Deliveries to a dependent activity. When the
name of the dependent activity is not shown on
the DTO DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form
1348-1 A, obtain in-the-clear address from the
transportation document, if available, or from
the DOD Activity Address Directory, DOD
4000.25-D, and insert in block B of DD Form
1348-1. If the receipt document is DD Form
1348-1A, insert the activitys name in the ship to
block located in the upper right-hand comer.
Stamp Direct Delivery on all copies of the receipt
documents. Forward the material with two
copies of the receipt documents to the
appropriate delivery or shipment section. Mark
the copy of the transportation document, if
available, to indicate disposition of the material
and forward with the remaining copy (copies) of
the DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A to
receipt control for further processing.
Reporting Discrepancies
The categories of material receipt discrepancies
may be caused by shipping, transportation, packaging,
or material quality deficiency. Discrepancies such as
overages, shortages, damages, incorrect, or nonreceipt
of material are attributable to the shipping activity or
transportation system.
CREPANCY. Shipping discrepancies and packaging
discrepancies that are attributable to the shipper are
reported on a Report of Discrepancy (ROD), Standard
Form 364. Refer to NAVSUPINST 4440.179 for
detailed instructions and procedures concerning the
Purpose of Report of Discrepancy. The ROD is
used to support the adjustments of inventory and
financial records. Shipping-type discrepancies are
variations in the quantity or condition of goods as
shown on the shipping document. These discrepancies
include the following:
Excess or insufficient quantity, because of an
incorrect count
Damage caused before shipment
Incorrect item pulled from the warehouse and
Item is not identifiable because the proper
paperwork is missing