DOD-owned vehicles, or direct pickup from a vendor.
This material may be designated for stock, DTO to a
department or local supported activity, to a holding area
for pickup by a Navy contractor, or to a packing and
shipping unit when further consignment is required.
material furnished to contractors. In addition, the
receipt processing section provides information relative
to unmatched vouchers and summarizes invoices from
the financial accounting office.
Receiving Operations Section
Material receipt functions normally are more
extensive ashore than those afloat because of the variety
and large quantities of receipts. In a supply department
organization, the receiving branch or section is
responsible for the receiving operations. The receiving
branch includes a receipt processing section, are receiving
operations section, and a returned material section. At
large naval supply activities, these sections may be
further broken down into units depending on the
In a large supply organization such as a fleet and
industrial supply center (FISC), the receiving function
may be the responsibility of the receiving branch under
the Defense Distribution Depot of the Defense Logistics
Agency (DLA). The receiving branch under the DLA
plans and directs operations necessary to physically
receive and control incoming material for storage,
DTO, or transshipment.
Material that needs to be
delivered to customers in the local area is transferred to
the custody of the FISC for further distribution.
The supply department procedures discussed in this
section have been designed to quickly move material
for stock replenishment directly from the receiving area
to the appropriate storage location without preliminary
processing of receipt documents by the receipt control
section. Receipts for material DTO to a work center or
department may require preliminary processing of
receipt documents by the receipt control section so that
proper documentation may be obtained to effect
disposition of the material.
Receipt Processing Section
The receipt processing section establishes and
maintains the open order files for receipts from
purchase and the requisition and order tiles for receipts
from other supply officers and other government
departments (referred to as redistribution sources);
maintains contact and follow-up procedures to
guarantee prompt receipt of material; processes
procurement and receipt documents; and certifies
dealers invoices for payment. This section also
prepares and distributes rejection notices, inspection
reports, and invoices covering receipts of government
The receiving operations section receives, verifies,
inspects (when required) material received by the
activity, except for returned material; segregates
material by proper destination for ultimate movement
to storage or for transshipment; maintains liaison and
control over inbound cargo destined for the activity; and
coordinates incoming and outgoing freight movements,
including maintenance of necessary records. This
section also maintains advance copies and completed
government bill of lading files as well as carriers
freight bill files; performs necessary investigation of
overages, shortages, damaged and rejected material;
and initiates correspondence relating to these areas of
Returned Material Section
The returned material section receives, verifies, and
identifies all returned material; arranges inspection of
material as necessary; and arranges for disposition of
returned material to local Navy stock, to other activities
as necessary, or to the Defense Reutilization and
Marketing Office (DRMO).
Various factors at each supply activity ashore
determine the actual layout for receiving operations.
However, it is recommended that the sections of the
receiving branch be located as near as possible to the
initial point of receipt for the material. Receiving office
spaces with appropriate files should be located within
or adjacent to receiving terminals. Additional
information on layout is contained in chapter 2 of this
training manual (TRAMAN).
Receiving Branch Functions
The receiving branch receives and controls all
incoming material for storage, DTO, or transshipment.
The functions normally assigned to the receiving
organization at a local supply activity include receipt
and inspection of incoming material, segregation and
delivery of incoming material, preparation of reports,
preservation and packaging of material for storage or
shipment, initiation of tracer action for incoming