material when required, and maintenance of files
relating to all receiving functions.
The general flow of material receipts and
documentation for incoming material from external
sources must follow a closed loop receipt processing
procedure. This means the material is transferred to the
ultimate consignee, the documents are signed/dated,
and the receipt transaction is recorded in the ledger or
file. As stated previously, these procedures may vary
from one activity to another depending on local policy.
NOTE: Activities using NISTARS processes
receipts by using a computer scanner that reads the
barcode on the receipt document and transmits the
information to the main computer.
RECEIPT DOCUMENTS. To effect proper
distribution of documents and material under Military
Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
(MILSTRIP), the receiving function should obtain the
following documents, as applicable:
Memorandum copies of Transportation Control
and Movement Document (TCMD), gover-
nment bill of lading (GBL), or other transportation
documents should be received with the shipment
(or received in advance of the shipment) depend-
ing upon the mode of shipment of the material.
One copy of each applicable DD Form 1348-1
or DD Form 1348-1A, except on parcel post
shipments. Ibis document keys the individual
items to the total shipment and is normally
attached to the GBL or TCMD. For truckload
receipts, these documents (both the DD Form
1348-1, DD Form 1348-1A, and the GBL or
TCMD) are normally received as a package.
Three copies of the DD Form 1348-1 or DD
Form 1348-1A should be attached to containers
in waterproof envelopes. For parcel post
receipts, these copies may be inside the shipping
container, depending on the size and type of the
shipping container.
ROUTING SIGNALS. To provide for the
proper internal routing and control of material receipts
and to determine the ultimate distribution of the DD
Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A copies by receipt
control, receiving personnel may use rubber stamps for
identifying receipt documents. These are the Storage,
Preposting, Transshipment, and Direct Delivery
method for determining internal distribution of
incoming receipts,
using standard receipt
documentation, is to review the entry of items such as
the unit identification code (UIC), serial number,
project code, and supplementary address. These entries
are used to determine if the material receipts are for
stock or DTO. You can determine the disposition of
material received by the following data:
The paperwork of the material destined for stock
will contain the UIC of the supply activity. The
serial in the document number block is unique
and used only for requesting stock
The receipt document for DTO will contain a
document number assigned to that particular
activity only. The receipt document of material
for the shop/department under the same
command as the receiving activity will contain
the same UIC as the receiving activity.
The receipt document for material for DTO to a
supported squadron or activity will contain the
UIC of the dependent activity. The activitys
UIC is printed in the top line of the document
under the caption Requisitioner and the UIC of
the receiving supply activity is printed under the
caption Supplementary Address.
Distribution of Receipt Documents and Material
The movement of stock receipts direct from the
receiving area to the storage area depends upon the
knowledge of the established storage positioning plan
for the material concerned. Some activities position
stocks by federal group and class, others by cognizance
symbol and by federal group and/or class within the
cognizance symbol.
CHECKING RECEIPTS. Upon receipt of
material, receiving personnel use the documents
received with the material, or from the receipt control
when such documents were received in advance of the
carrier, to check and make disposition of the documents
and material. The following actions are performed:
Assign a receiving person to check the material.
Verify the shipment as to number of containers
actually received and compare with the total
number specified on the transportation
Initial and date the transportation document to
certify receipt of material. When loss, damage,
overage or other discrepancies exist, action
should be taken according to procedures in the