l If the shipping documentation shows that the
shipment did not arrive, trace the shipment back
through the transportation system or submit a
Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP) according
to NAVSUPINST 4610.33.
For material shipped by nontraceable means,
process the transactions as follows: If the shipment
status reveals that the material was shipped by
nontraceable mode and the material is not received
within 45 days of this status for CONUS activities (90
days for OCONUS activities), perform the procedures
described in the following text.
. Review the transaction ledger, receipt
documents, and exception listings. Conduct a search of
frustrated material.
. If material is received and the receipt document
is not processed, process the document.
. If the material has not been received 60 days
from the status date, submit an ROD. Process receipt
with FIR Code M5 (shippers loss). This will clear the
due file for reordering and create an audit trail whereby
accounting will offset future billing adjustments by the
shipper. Send a copy of the ROD reply to the
accounting office.
Requisitions with BA status (being processed for
release or shipment) and the material has not been
received within 60 days of this status for CONUS
activities (120 days for OCONUS activities), submit an
ROD first. Let the shipper conduct a research and tell
you the mode of shipment if material has been shipped.
Perform the following actions:
. If the ROD reply advises that material has been
shipped, conduct research according to the mode
described in previous paragraphs.
. If the ROD reply advises that a credit is being
processed, process the receipt with FIR Code M5. Send
a copy of the ROD reply to the accounting office.
Submission Time Frame. Navy action activities
will reject, with appropriate explanation, RODS not
received within the 150 calendar days from shipment
date (or BA date when no shipping status is received).
This time limit applies to both shipments that have been
received and to total nonreceipt of shipment. In cases
where shipment is received very close to the 150 days
time limit, the activity submitting the ROD will be
allowed 15 days from the receipt date to submit the
Late Submission of the ROD. A special
extenuating clause may be used for late discrepancy
reports involving concealed damage, shortages,
overages, and wrong item discrepancies. In some cases,
the receiving activity may be prohibited from opening
and inspecting the material because of packaging or
preservation considerations or manufacturer sealed
container. When the package is opened for use and the
discrepancy is discovered, the time limit for submitting
the ROD may have passed. In this case, submit the
ROD with the clause on the remarks block as in the
example below.
ROD is submitted late due to extenuating
circumstances. At the time of receipt, the shipping
document matched the container markings. The
container shows no signs of tampering/damage. The
container was not opened due to (enter one of the
following reasons):
. Packaging and preservation considerations
. Manufacturer sealed container
. Technical inspection of material was not
performed at the time of receipt
The reporting activity must also provide
information on the container such as the NSN,
requisition number, contract number, or manufacturer.
Controlled items. Notify the security officer for
discrepancies involving controlled items. Conduct an
investigative research for nonreceipt of controlled
material before submitting the ROD. Perform other
actions according to the mode of shipment used by the
shipper as discussed in the previous paragraphs.
Mandatory Turn-In Repairables. The Hubs at
stock points are required to fully screen selected
aviation material receipts and all nonaviation material
receipts to determine if discrepancies exist. This
function is primarily performed by Advanced
Traceability and Control (ATAC) Hubs.
Non-ATAC Hubs report all shipping-type and
packaging discrepancies on an ROD with a copy sent to
the following activities:
l The cognizant ICP
l The turn-in activity
. The turn-in activitys type commander
The ATAC Hubs submit reports other than
misidentification discrepancies using ROD and sends a
copy to cognizant ICP, turn-in activity, and turn-in