. Materials that are likely to cause fires due tofriction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemicalchanges, or as a result of heat retained frommanufacturing or processing.. Ammunition and explosives.l Containers previously used for shipping highexplosives, such as dynamite.. Intoxicating liquors.. Items subject to damage from freezing andpermanently magnetic materials with unconfined fieldsare not mailable by air shipment.. Radioactive, combustible, gaseous liquid,perishable material, and items subject to plantquarantines are either unmailable or subject to specialmailing conditions. Detailed information on thesecategories may be obtained from local postal authorities.Military Official Mail (MOM)MOM is a special procedure approved by the USPSfor providing air transportation of official mailaddressed to or from a military post office. It is handledas third- or fourth-class mail at a cost cheaper thanpriority mail. Refer to Navy Official Mail ManagementInstructions, OPNAVINST 5218.7, for additionaldetails.MOM is the normal means of mailing officialparcels that require airlift to overseas destinations notincluded in the domestic postal systems. It is also usedfor mailing official parcels that do not meet the criteriafor priority or first-class mail. Mail that has a criticaldate of delivery may be sent by MOM on a piece-by-piece basis. Under no circumstances may both MOMand first class be marked on the same package.However, markings such as third-class MOM,controlled circulation MOM, and third-class bulk rateMOM are authorized if such mailings have a requireddelivery date and are addressed to an overseas activity.Express Mail ServiceExpress Mail Service (EMS) is an overnight servicedevelopd by the USPS, and is available betweendesignated post offices in CONUS and to some pointsserved by international mail. Any mailable matter,properly prepared, can be moved by EMS. At this timeEMS is not available for APO/FPO addresses, but canbe used to quickly ship material to CONUS APO/FPOfleet forwarding post offices for normal service beyond.Three basic services are offered by EMS. They aresameday airport service, custom-designated service,and next-day service. EMS is a premium means ofmoving mail, and specific authorization for each casemust be requested from the Chief of Naval Operations(Postal Affairs Branch).Weight and Size LimitationsMaterial eligible for all classes of mail, includingMOM, is limited to 70 pounds or less and no more than100 inches in length and girth combined. Individualpieces of third-class mail may weigh up to, but notexceed, 16 ounces, and the total weight placed in onebag may not exceed 70 pounds. Fourth-class mailparcels, including parcels marked Special Fourth-ClassRate, must weight 16 ounces or more and may notexceed 70 pounds or 100 inches in length and girthcombined.External MarkingsThe statement “Postage and Fees Paid, DOD-316,”must be professionally imprinted in the upper rightcomer of all envelopes, labels, tags, or wrappers used tosend official mailable matter, including matter sent byany of the special mail services. The statements“Official Business” and “Penalty for Private Use,0,” must be imprinted in the upper left comer, belowthe sender’s return address. Markings that show the mailclassification or type of special service, whenappropriate, must be stamped on the address side of theparcel. The city, state, and ZIP Code must be the last lineof the address, and no other information may appearbelow this line.MILITARY STANDARDTRANSPORTATION AND MOVEMENTPROCEDURESThe Military Standard Transportation andMovement Procedures(MILSTAMP), DOD4500.32-R, provides DOD policy for the transportationand movement of material through the DTS. Volume Icontains standard data elements, codes, formats,documents, forms, rules, methods, and procedures.These are information required by DOD activities in thetransportation and movement of material to, within, andbeyond the DTS. Volume II contains instructions andprocedures for applying transportation account codes(TAC) to transportation documents.MILSTAMP policy simplifies the exchange oflogistics data between armed services and agencies.Deviation or exemptions may not be approved unlessthe user shows that MILSTAMP does not provideworkable methods or procedures.7-28
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