methods, materials, and containers for packagingmaterial for shipments.You can reuse shipping containers to ship similaritems, when available. Also use cushioning and bracingmaterial to fill the voids and immobilize the items in thecontainer.If a reusable container is not available, encase andpackage the item with available packaging material.Ensure packaging gives a level of protectioncomparable to that given to new items. If item is anAVDLR, enter the words PACKAGING REQUIRED inblock EE of DD Form 1348-1. The AVDLR item mustbe handled carefully and delivered (not shipped) to ashore activity for packaging. Some shore activitiesrequire a work request form tilled out to perform thepackaging and crating. In most cases the job involvesfunding authorization. Refer to the activity’sinstructions for packaging and crating procedures.You may use pallets to unitize or group material forturn-in. TMs will allow usage of forklift trucks and speedup the movement process. Grouping several items to apallet will reduce handling, thereby reducing the chanceof damage. You must assemble items on a pallet in a waythat will provide a stable load. Arrange pallet loadcarefully and secure individual items properly into acompact unit. Use the type of pallet that willaccommodate material handling equipment. Forexample, use the winged-end pallet when using a palletsling to move the material. Also, use hardwood palletfor transporting heavy items. When transporting gascylinders, you may use collars or notched spacers andsteel strapping to stabilize the load.SHIPMENTSelecting the proper mode of transportation formaterial depends on the priority, weight and size, andthe availability of transportation means. The three majorcategories of material movement are air, ocean, andsurface transportation. The following paragraphsdescribe these methods.AIR SHIPMENTSAir shipments are used when they are moreeconomical than surface transportation, or when surfacetransportation is not available. Air shipments within theDefense Transportation System (DTS) normally arelimited to transportation priorities 1 and 2 (TP-1 andTP-2). TP-3 shipments that have advance requireddelivery dates (RDDs) also may qualify for air shipmentunder certain conditions. The UMMIPS prioritydesignator (PD) determines the transportation priority(TP) assignment. TP-1 priorities are for shipmentdocuments with PDs 01 through 03, TP-2 for PDs 04through 08, and TP-3 for PDs 09 through 15. The airliftsystems used by the Navy are Logistics Express(LOG-EX), QUICKTRANS, Air Mobility Command(AMC), and Special Assignment Airlift Missions(SAAMs).Logistics ExpressThe LOG-EX airlift system includes carrieronboard delivery (COD) shipments to aircraft carriers.Also, it includes other airlift systems used to supplementAMC (formerly MAC) operations. LOG-EX is alsoreferred to as Fleet Logistics Airlift System or LOGAIR.The goal of LOG-EX is to provide 24-hour or less transittime for TP-1 shipments. The Navy Overseas Air CargoTerminal (NOACT) teams supervise air terminaloperations of LOG-EX. NOACT also exercises trafficmanagement and administers the LOG-EX airspamavailability to the Navy within their geographic areas ofresponsibility.QUICKTRANS Airfreight SystemThe QUICKTRANS airfreight system is acontractor-operated, CONUS-wide system of cargoterminals. It is connected by a scheduled air service,connecting truck lines, and an elaboratecommunications network. The QUICKTRANS systemis under the policy direction of the Naval SupplySystems Command (NAVSUPSYSCOM). The NavyMaterial Transportation Office (NAVMTO) managesthe QUICKTRANS system. This system is designed tosatisfy the Navy’s specific requirements for fastmovement of urgent, high-priority material.QUICKTRANS provide service between AMC aerialports, aircraft engine overhaul and repair facilities, ormajor shipyards and stock points. It also providesservices to and from the weapons systems fabricationand testing facilities.The exclusive use, operational control, and aircraftcapability features of the QUICKTRANS system permitflexibility in satisfying unusual requirements that wouldbe impossible to till through commercial air sources. Asa Navy segment of the DTS, the QUICKTRANS systemcan expand to accommodate increased fleetrequirements whenever the need arises.The aircraft used by QUICKTRANS can handleindividual pieces of cargo up to 616 inches long, 1257-24
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