inches wide, and 102 inches high. The total cargo
capacity of the aircraft is 46,000 pounds.
QUICKTRANS monitors material movement by
use of an automated information system. This system
has the capability of performing advance transportation
control. Also, it can perform movement document
processing and cargo receipt processing. It provides
advance information needed for cargo palletizing,
aircraft load planning, and cargo manifesting. It also
allows cargo-on-hand movement reporting, shipment
tracing, and management reporting.
The shipper is responsible for delivering air eligible
cargo to the QUICKTRANS terminal with the required
shipping documents. Receiving activities must arrange
pickup of the cargo within 8 hours upon notification of
receipt by QUICKTRANS.
The Use of Air Transportation by Navy Shippers,
NAVSUPINST 4630.22 (series), and QUICKTRANS
Air Freight System, NAVSUPINST 4610,37 (series),
provide detailed guidelines to shippers using military air
shipment methods.
Air Mobility Command
AMC (formerly Military Airlift Command) is a
worldwide system operating transport aircraft over
scheduled air routes. It also operates in air terminals at
appointed areas. Most overseas air shipments and
personnel movements use AMC service.
Special Assignment Airlift Missions
The purpose for using SAAM is to move aircraft
loads of cargo rapidly when regularly scheduled airlift
service is not available to meet fleet requirements. When
SAAMs are required, a commercial aircraft is leased to
transport material from and to a specific point. Requests
for SAAMs are submitted to NAVMTO via message or
telephone, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The
Procedures for Arranging Navy-Sponsored Special
Assignment Airlift Missions, OPNAVINST 4630.26,
provides guidelines and procedures for the use of
Ocean shipments of Navy-owned or sponsored
cargo are made by Navy fleet vessels or vessels provided
by the Military Sealift Command (MSC). Cargo is
moved in Navy fleet ships under established procedures
of the proper fleet or type commander or their authorized
representatives. Normally, cargo transported in Navy
fleet vessels is limited to material moving in direct
support of fleet operations. However, available space
may be used to transport other low-priority supplies.
The MSC is responsible for providing ocean
shipments to meet the requirements of the DOD. The
type of shipping space provided by the MSC includes
space on vessels controlled and operated by the MSC.
MSC also provides space on vessels controlled but not
operated by the MSC and space obtained in commercial
vessels by the MSC.
Sea Express
Shipments that do not meet requirements for air
transportation but require rush processing may use the
Sea Express (SEA-EX). Shipments that qualify for air
shipment also may qualify for SEA-EX when air
transportation is not available.
Opportune Lift
The Opportune Lift (OPLIFT) program is a system
used to divert government-sponsored cargo within the
DTS from MSC to Navy vessels. The OPLIFT program
was started to conserve transportation funds by moving
Navy material into available space on U.S. Navy ships
during scheduled deployments. Heavy, bulky, or
low-priority shipments that do not have a specific RDD
are eligible for the OPLIFT program. NAVMTO
provides technical assistance to shippers requesting
OPLIFT and coordinates movements of general cargo
from CONUS. NAVMTO also maintains direct liaison
with fleet commanders, shippers, and water terminal
facilities. OPLIFTs that begin overseas are coordinated
directly through cognizant fleet commanders. When last
minute changes in operational commitments occur,
cargo may be removed from vessels without advance
notice. Therefore, activities using OPLIFTs must make
sure material with specific RDD or high-priority
material is not shipped through this program.
When possible, you should use surface
transportation for shipping material. The following
paragraphs describe some means of surface shipments.
Shipment by Government Vehicle
When directed by local authority, you may use
government-owned and operated equipment to
transport freight in distances up to 100 miles. During