operate it. Hydraulic SE is used to service and test
hydraulic systems and components. To use the
equipment, you must understand each piece of
hydraulic SE so you can maintain aircraft hydraulic
systems. The maintenance and operation of specific
SE units are described in applicable manufacturers
operation and service instructions manual (listed in
the NAPI, under "Test Equipment, 17 series group),
and in the maintenance instructions peculiar to the
specific aircraft.
All maintenance levels use SE. General types of
hydraulic SE are portable hydraulic test stands,
hydraulic fluid dispensing equipment, and stationary
hydraulic test stands.
Portable Hydraulic Test Stands
Portable hydraulic test stands are mobile sources
of external hydraulic power. They can be connected
to an aircraft hydraulic system to provide power
normally obtained from the aircraft hydraulic pumps.
The test stands provide a means of energizing the
aircrafts hydraulic systems. SE is used on the flight
line and in hanger work areas. In addition, portable
test stands are important tools for hydraulic con-
tamination control. They are the primary means of
aircraft hydraulic decontamination. Several types of
portable stands are available. Their primary
difference is their prime power source (electric motor
or engine driven), functional features, and maximum
flow capability.
Hydraulic Fluid Dispensing Equipment
Hydraulic fluid dispensing units are portable.
They are used to replenish hydraulic fluid lost or
otherwise removed from a system. They provide a
means of dispensing new filtered fluid under pressure,
in a manner that minimizes the introduction of
external contaminants. Several different types of
hydraulic fluid dispensing equipment are available.
Stationary Hydraulic Test Stands
Stationary hydraulic test stands are permanently
installed equipment used for shop-testing hydraulic
system components.
Except for specialized equip-
ment, such as hose burst test stands, they are
general-purpose equipment capable of performing a
variety of tests on components such as hydraulic
pumps, actuators, motors, valves, accumulators, and
gauges. Typical component test stands consist of
adjustable sources of hydraulic and shaft-driven (for
pump drive) power, with associated regulator and
indicating devices that let you monitor performance
under simulated operating conditions. Stationary
hydraulic test stands are used at the intermediate-
maintenance level, ashore and afloat, and for
depot-level maintenance.
There are specific procedures for checking
hydraulic fluid levels in each model of aircraft. These
procedures must be followed to make sure the system
operates at the required fluid level. Fluid level is
generally determined by an indicating device at the
system reservoir. The type of indicator used varies
with the aircraft model. Sight-glass, gauge, and
piston-style indicators are commonly used.
There is close tolerance between the operating
parts of equipment used in aircraft hydraulic systems
and the level of hydraulic fluid contamination;
therefore, do not introduce foreign matter into a
system being serviced. All servicing must be
accomplished by qualified personnel using authorized
fluid-dispensing equipment.
The information contained in this section gives
general guidance and requirements to follow when
fluid servicing hydraulic systems and components.
Remember, you need to follow the procedures
contained in the applicable technical manuals when
you actually service hydraulic systems and
components. When you service these systems, use
approved fluid-dispensing equipment that is equipped
with 3-micron (absolute) filtration.
equipments according to the applicable MIM and
MRC. Keep hydraulic fluid dispensing equipment
Store it in a clean, protected environment.
Service this equipment on a periodic basis, including
filter servicing. Protect all fittings or hose ends with
approved metal closures when not in use.
Use the correct fluids for each piece of
fluid-dispensing equipment, and mark the equipment
to indicate the type of fluid. Use the specified
hydraulic fluid to service hydraulic systems. Take
precautions to avoid accidental use of any other fluid.
Do not leave hydraulic fluid in an open container any
longer than necessary, particularly in dusty
Exposed fluid will readily collect
contaminants, which could jeopardize system