All damage must be classified to determine what
repair action should be taken.
Ultimately, all
discrepancies will be placed into one of three
categoriesnegligible damage, nonrepairable
damage, or repairable damage. The decision
concerning disposition must be made considering the
requirements of the aircraft, the particular parts
involved, the limitations that can be placed on the
repaired aircraft, the degree of urgency, and any other
circumstances impacting the situation.
Negligible Damage
Negligible damage is damage that can be
permitted to exist as is, or corrected by a single
cosmetic refinishing procedure with no restrictions on
flight operations.
This damage may also include
some delamination, disbonds, and voids. See
figure 14-25.
Nonrepairable Damage
Nonrepairable damage exceeds published criteria
or limits. Nonrepairable damage may be reclassified
as repairable, if cognizant engineering authority
prescribes a repair on an individual basis. Normally,
nonrepairable damage requires the changing of
Repairable Damage
Repairable damage is any damage to the skin,
bond, or core that cannot be allowed to exist as is
without placing performance restrictions on the
Figure 14-25.Example of negligible damage on composite material.