Flared fitting, 6-11
Flareless fitting, 6-12
Flat-head pins, 2-14
Flexible connectors and couplings, 2-9
Flight control surfaces, 9-52
Flight control systems components, 10-8
auxiliary servo cylinder, 10-8
mixing unit, 10-9
primary servo cylinders, 10-9
swashplate assembly, 10-10
Fluid contamination, 4-6
air contamination, 4-6
foreign fluids contamination, 4-7
solvent contamination, 4-7
water contamination, 4-6
Fluid-pressurized reservoirs, 7-12
Fluid sampling, 4-1
Fluid servicing and support equipment, 4-20
Flush patches, 13-43
Flush riveting, 13-28
Foreign fluids contamination, 4-7
Foreign object, 13-36
Forging, 1-25
Forming machines, 13-17
Forming sheet metal, 13-24
rotary forming, 13-25
slip-roll forming, 13-24
Forms of heat treatment, 15-38
annealing, 15-38
case hardening, 15-39
hardening, 15-39
normalizing, 15-39
tempering, 15-39
Forms of heat treatment of steel, 15-40
annealing and normalizing, 15-42
case hardening, 15-43
hardening, 15-40
quenching procedure, 15-40
tempering, 15-41
Fuel tank construction, 3-44
bladder-type fuel cells, 3-46
self-sealing fuel cells, 3-44
Functional tests, 12-41
Fundamental welding techniques, 15-24
Fuselage, 1-1, 1-16
Fuselage type, 9-46
Fusibility, 1-23
Gas metal-arc welding, 15-33
GMA welding equipment, 15-34
GMA welding techniques, 15-35
Gas tungsten-arc welding, 15-30
Gauge and pressure transmitter snubbers, 7-40
Gear-type pump, 7-14
General brake system maintenance, 12-41
bleeding procedures, 12-43
brake wear check, 12-42
emergency system contamination check, 12-43
functional tests, 12-41
operational checks, 12-41
overheated wheel brakes, 12-44
General landing gear systems maintenance, 12-18
alignment and adjustment, 12-19
drop check procedures, 12-18
lower strut and gland seal replacement, 12-20
strut removal and replacement, 12-21
troubleshooting, 12-19
General procedures and precautions for stripping,