Laminate, 14-20
Landing gear, 1-11, 1-17
main landing gear, 1-12
nose gear, 1-14
Landing gear components, 12-6
landing gear door latches, 12-6
landing gear doors, 12-7
mechanical linkage, 12-10
shock struts, 12-8
Landing gear systems, 12-1
fixed-wing aircraft, 12-1
rotary-wing aircraft, 12-2
Landing gear systems operation, 12-2
emergency systems, 12-4
normal system, 12-2
Lap patches, 13-42
Lateral control systems, 1-6,9-9
aileron control system, 9-10
combination aileron/spoiler deflector system,
flaperon control system, 9-12
spoiler control system, 9-18
Lateral trim, 9-48
Layout for repair, 13-40
Layout procedures, 13-18
bend allowance, 13-18
bend allowance formula, 13-20
bend allowance terms, 13-18
Leading/trailing edge wing flap systems, 9-39
Leveling aircraft, 3-43
Leveling bars, 3-30
Lifting sling maintenance, 3-34
Lifting slings identification, 3-33
chains, 3-34
fabric or webbing, 3-33
structural steel or aluminum, 3-33
wire rope, 3-33
Lighters, 15-22
Liquid spring, 12-65
Lock-bolt fasteners, 2-4
Longitudinal control systems, 1-7, 9-3
elevator control system, 9-3
horizontal stabilizer control system (double axis),
horizontal stabilizer control system (single axis),
Longitudinal magnetization, 15-7
Longitudinal trim, 9-49
Lower strut and gland seal replacement, 12-20
Lowering aircraft, 3-44
Lubricants, 3-22
Lubrication, 3-22, 11-5
brush, 3-24
grease guns, 3-22
hand, 3-24
lubricants, 3-22
oil/squirt can, 3-24
Lubrication charts, 3-25
Lubrication fittings, 3-24
Lubrication selection, 3-25
Machine countersink, 13-4
Magnesium, 1-21
Magnesium and magnesium alloys, 1-34
Magnetic particle inspection, 15-6
alternating current, 15-8
circular magnetization, 15-6
direct current, 15-8
longitudinal magnetization, 15-7
particles and methods of application, 15-8
Main landing gear, 1-12, 1-17
Main rotor assembly, 1-17
Main system relief valves, 7-22