Power brake control valve system, 12-32
brake deboostercylinder, 12-34
power brake control valve (pressure ball check
type), 12-33
power brake control valve (sliding spool type),
Power brake valve, 12-46
Power-driven pumps, 7-14
gear-type pump, 7-14
piston-type pump (constant displacement), 7-15
piston-type pump (Vickers electric motor-driven
variable displacement), 7-19
piston-type pumps (Stratopower variable
displacement), 7-16
Power/manual brake valve, 12-47
Power settling, 10-4
Power tools, 13-5
drills, 13-8
pneumatic drills, 13-9
pneumatic riveters, 13-7
rivet guns, 13-7
rivet head shaver, 13-6
Power-type brake system, 12-41
Precipitation (age) hardening, 15-44
Pressure indicators, 7-39
direct reading type, 7-39
synchro type, 7-39
Pressure-operated (priority) sequence valve, 8-18
Pressure-reducing valves, 8-21
Pressure regulators, 15-18
Pressure seals, 2-26
Primary flight control systems, 1-5,9-3
directional control systems, 1-9
F-14 flight control systems, 1-9
lateral control systems, 1-6
longitudinal control systems, 1-7
Primary servo cylinders, 10-9
Principles of heat treatment, 15-37
cooling, 15-38
heating, 15-37
soaking, 15-38
Principles of heat treatment of steel, 15-39
Proof pressure testing, 6-14
Proof-testing cables, 9-36
Properties of metals, 1-23
brittleness, 1-23
conductivity, 1-24
contraction and expansion, 1-24
density, 1-23
ductility, 1-23
elasticity, 1-23
fusibility, 1-23
hardness, 1-23
malleability, 1-23
toughness, 1-23
Protective closures, 2-41
Protective paint finish, 6-15
Pulleys, 2-26
Pumps, 7-13
Purging, 4-17
Purifying, 4-17
Pylon, 1-18
Qualifications of welders, 15-13
recertification of welders, 15-14
Qualities of metals, 1-24
corrosive properties, 1-24
joining properties, 1-25
shock and fatigue properties, 1-25
strength, 1-24
weight, 1-24
working properties, 1-24
Quality assurance/analysis, 15-5