Snips and shears, 13-5
Solenoid-operated selector valve, 8-12
Solid rivets, 2-1
Solution heat treatment, 15-44
Solvent contamination, 4-7
Solvents, 14-28
Spacing and edge distance, 13-27
Special tools, 13-9
dimple countersinking tools, 13-10
hand bench shears, 13-13
hand-operated turret punch, 13-14
squaring shears, 13-12
throatless shears, 13-12
unishear, 13-13
Special tubing, 6-1
Speed brake system, 9-46
fuselage type, 9-46
wingtip type, 9-47
Speed brakes, 1-11
Spherical type, 7-36
Spirit level, 3-30,9-55
Spoiler control system, 9-18
Spoilers, 1-10
Spray guns, 14-36
spray gun adjustments, 14-44
spray gun maintenance, 14-38
spray gun techniques, 14-43
spraying pressures, 14-44
Spray quenching, 15-45
Spraying pressures, 14-44
Squaring shears, 13-12
Stabilizers, 1-5, 9-52
Standard identification markings, 11-13
Standard tube cutter, 6-8
Starting the arc, 15-33
Static dischargers, 2-44
Stationary hydraulic test stands, 4-21
Stationary pit-type scales, 3-30
Steel tapes, 3-30
Steering assembly maintenance, 12-17
Stopping the arc, 15-33
Straight beam, 15-10
Strength restoration, 14-26
Structural steel or aluminum, 3-33
Structural stress, 1-19
bending, 1-20
compression, 1-20
shear, 1-20
tension, 1-20
torsion, 1-20
varying stress, 1-20
Structural tools, 13-1
Strut removal and replacement, 12-21
Studs, 2-14
Substitution and interchangeability of aircraft metals,
Support equipment (SE) filters, 7-33
Surface preparation, 14-30
general procedures and precautions for stripping,
materials, 14-30
paint removal, 14-30
Surface wave, 15-11
Swashplate assembly, 10-10
Swivel maintenance, 12-52
Synchro type, 7-39
Synthetic rubber hose, 5-2
System rigging, 10-11
T-bar, 3-39
Tactical paint schemes, 14-36
Tail landing gear, 1-17