Figure 12-15.-Nose gear steering system diagram.
6. Simulate "weight on wheels by depressing the
8. Release the steering switch, and check to see
switch in the left wheel well. Engage the nose gear
that the nose gear stays in the center position.
steering and partially depress the right rudder pedal.
Check to see that the nose gear makes a partial right turn
9. Retract the arresting gear, and repeat steps 6
and stops.
and 7. Move the rudder pedal partially left.
7. Return the rudder pedals to neutral, and check
10. Operate the steering switch, and slowly press
to see that the nose gear returns to within 0.15 inch of
the right rudder pedal for a full right turn. The triangular
the center.
mark on the top front of the housing must be within 0.2