a vapor. For this reason, liquid Freon 12 or 22
is used in most vapor cycle refrigeration
units whether used in aircraft or in home air
conditioners and refrigerators.
If liquid Freon 12 were poured into an open
container surrounded by standard sea level
pressure, it would immediately begin to boil at
temperatures above -22°F (-30°C). There
would be a continuous flow of heat from the
warm surrounding air through the walls of the
container to the boiling Freon. Moisture from the
air would condense and freeze on the exterior of
the container.
This open container system would work
satisfactorily insofar as cooling alone is con-
cerned. A drum of Freon could be connected to
a coil and the vaporized Freon piped outdoors.
A system such as this would provide satisfactory
refrigeration, but the cost of continuously
replacing the refrigerant would be prohibitive.
Because of the cost involved, it is desirable to use
the refrigerant over and over. To accomplish this,
additional equipment, over and above that already
mentioned, is required.
Vapor Cycle Theory
Refrigerant used in the vapor cycle re-
frigeration system occurs as both a liquid and as
a vapor. Conversion from a liquid to a vapor will
occur at temperatures above 21°F ( 34°C) at
sea level. If the refrigerant pressure is increased,
conversion to a vapor will occur at higher
temperatures. Maximum heat transfer efficiency
occurs when the refrigerant is at the boiling point
(the point at which the liquid will vaporize).
The refrigerant must be delivered to the
evaporator as a liquid if it is to absorb large
quantities of heat. Since it leaves the evaporator
in the form of a vapor, some way of condensing
the vapor is necessary. To condense the refrigerant
vapor, the heat surrendered by the vapor during
condensation must be transferred to some other
medium. For this purpose, water or air is
ordinarily used. The water or air must be
at a temperature lower than the condensing
temperature of the refrigerant. At any given
pressure, the condensing and vaporizing
temperature of a fluid are the same. If a
refrigerant that vaporizes at 40°F (5°C) is to be
condensed at the same temperature, water or air
at a lower temperature is needed. Obviously, if
water or air at this lower temperature were
available, mechanical refrigeration would not be
required. As the temperature of available water
or air is usually always higher than the
temperature of the boiling refrigerant in the
evaporator, the refrigerant must be condensed
after it leaves the evaporator. To condense the
vapor, its pressure must be increased to a point
that its condensing temperature will be above the
temperature of the water or air available
for condensing purposes. For this purpose a
compressor is needed. After the pressure of the
refrigerant vapor has been increased sufficiently,
it may be liquefied in the condenser with
comparatively warm water or air.
In a practical refrigeration circuit, liquid flows
from the receiver to the expansion valve, which
is essentially nothing more than a needle valve.
The compressor maintains a difference in pressure
between the evaporator and the condenser.
Without the expansion valve, this difference in
pressure could not be maintained. The expansion
valve separates the high-pressure part of the
system from the low-pressure part. It acts as a
pressure reducing valve because the pressure of
the liquid flowing through it is lowered. Only a
small trickle of refrigerant fluid flows through the
valve into the evaporator. The valve is always
adjusted so that only the amount of liquid that
can be vaporized in the evaporator passes through
The liquid that flows through the evaporator
is entirely vaporized by the heat flowing through
the walls of the evaporator. This heat has been
removed from the air being cooled.
After leaving the evaporator, the vaporized
refrigerant flows to the compressor where its
pressure is raised to a point where it can be
condensed by the condenser airflow available.
After being compressed, the vapor flows to the
condenser. Here, the walls of the condenser are
cooled by the water or air; and as a result, the
vapor is liquefied. Heat is transferred from the
condensing vapor to the water or air through the
walls of the condenser. From the condenser the
liquid refrigerant flows back to the receiver, and
the cycle is then repeated.
Operations and Components
The Grumman Aerospace Corporation chose
a Freon 12 vapor cycle ACS to provide avionics
equipment cooling in the E-2 Hawkeye aircraft.
This system, the VEA6-1, is described in this
section. The basic difference between the basic
vapor cycle system and the VEA6-1 system is the
method of compensating for the variations in ram
air temperature and the variation in the flow of