submodesautomatic search, manual search, lock
on, automatic track, and breakaway. These submodes
parallel the general submodes found in actual
weapons control systems.
The trainer has no standby mode as such. (The
purpose of a standby mode is to apply filament
voltages for initial warm-up before selecting an
operating mode.) Most radar sets include an
automatic time-out (time-delay) circuit, which
prevents application of power to the high-voltage
sections prior to the necessary warm-up period.
Search Mode
Search operation for airborne and ground targets
is provided with ranges of 0 to 6,000 yards and 0 to
12,000 yards. In this mode the antenna automatically
scans the horizon, rotating in a clockwise direction at
6 RPM. Manual control of the antenna in this mode
provides manual tracking of detected targets. There
are some minor differences in the methods of manual
control; however, they are of little consequence.
Range marks are selectable in 1,000-, 2,000-, or
3,000-yard increments. In the basic search mode, the
B-scope, which is also included in the indicator unit,
is deactivated.
Fire Control Mode
When the fire control mode is selected, the target
simulator provides a three-dimensional target (target
with range, azimuth, and elevation information). In
t h e f i r e c o n t r o l m o d e , t h e r e a r e f i ve
submodesautomatic search, manual search, lock
on, automatic track, and breakaway. The five
submodes permit the simulated target to be detected
initially, manually tracked and acquired, and tracked
automatically until minimum range is reached. At
this time, a breakaway signal in the form of a large X
is displayed on the B-scope indicator, warning the
operator to break away from the target. In an actual
weapons radar, the breakaway X also means that the
aircraft is too close to the target to allow time for an
air-to-air missile to properly track the target.
Minimum range in fire control operation is 3,500
Three ranges are provided for target
information while operating in the fire control
mode-0 to 10,000, 0 to 40,000, and 0 to 80,000
During this mode of operation, target
information is displayed on both the PPI and B-scope
of the indicator display unit. The B-scan display uses
a dual-gun arrangement (to be discussed later), which
provides steering information in addition to the
normal plot display.
Bomb Director Mode
Operation in the bomb director mode covers the
same ranges provided in the fire control mode.
Aiming information is displayed on the PPI display.
Switching circuits, which are energized at the time of
mode selection, cause the presentation to be altered to
conform to typical bomb director system presenta-
tions. The PPI display has a depressed-center sector
scan at twice the scale of the fire control mode. The
indicator includes controllable range and azimuth
marks (strobes), which act as cross hairs to facilitate
aiming (aim point tracking).
Through the manipulation of the basic controls,
the operator has available all of the previously
mentioned modes of operation. The controls of the
trainer are decentralized to simplify construction and
operation, but these controls can be grouped into five
major categories according to their function. The five
major control functions are as follows:
Power switch
Mode switch
Receiver gain control
Antenna control (hand control)
Auxiliary controls
Power Switch
The power switch is the systems off-standby-
operate switch. The off position, of course, removes
all power from the system. The standby position, as
previously described, would apply filament power
and keep alive voltage to the TR tubes. For purposes
of training, the 11D13A has a power switch for each
of the major units antenna transmitter, and so forth).
This allows for operation of each of the units or any
selected combination of units for training. During the
discussion throughout this chapter, the appropriate
control will be noted, along with its function and its
relationship to one of the four major function
controls, if necessary.