they can complete a full cycle. The decoding process is
repeated, causing another derived clock pulse bit and
another derive basic binary word bit to be generated.
When a Manchester bit is a binary 0, it cannot reset
the timers through the inverter. The 4.15-microsecond
timer times out and produces a binary 1 at one input of
the OR gate. The OR gate output is a binary 1 that
represents the next derived clock pulse. Since there is a
binary 1 at one input and a binary 0 at the other input of
the AND gate, the resulting output is a binary 0 that
represents the next derived data bit. The 8.3-micro-
second timer is still running because a binary 1 has not
been produced in the Manchester word. The 8.3-micro-
second timer times out and produces a 1 on one input of
the NAND gate. The other input is a 0, which produces
a 1 at the output. This 1 produces a 1 at the output of the
OR gate, which represents a 1 for the derived clock
Multiplex Transmission
Multiplex transmission data consists of 32 roll call
words with a period of 800 microseconds for each word.
The total period of time required for all the words is 25.6
milliseconds. Therefore, any one of the specific roll call
periods occurs every 25.6 milliseconds. A roll call word
consists of an inhale word and an exhale word, each
being 400 microseconds long. Each inhale and exhale
word consists of 48 clock intervals of 8.3 microseconds
each. These clock intervals correspond to data bits. Of
the 48 bits, 6 bits precede the 36-bit Manchester word
and 6 bits follow the word. This means that there are 12
bits between the inhale word and the exhale word, which
totals 79.6 microseconds. This period of time allows the
component to prepare itself to receive or transmit data.
The SLU controls the ICCG. The roll call for the
communication systems is generated there. Between the
SLU and the other components of the ICCG, the exhale
word is a status word Between the GPDC and the SLU,
the exhale word is also a status word. The inhale word
between the SLU and the other components of the ICCG
is a command word that tells the SLU to change
configuration or frequency.
The status is the configuration that the com-
munication systems are in at any specific instant, and is
indicated by the color of the switchlight (amber, green,
red, or dark). A configuration change occurs whenever
a switchlight is depressed. For example, changing HF
USB to HF LSB is a configuration change.
Each component in the ICCG has a digital control
section that controls all data entering or leaving the
component. The IRC and
components that respond to
the SLU are the only
more than one roll call
address. In contrast, the crew ICS panel only has to
respond to one roll call address. Because of this, the
crew ICS panels use comparators instead of input
register decoders. The address logic is hardwired into
the aircraft cable connectors for each crew ICS panel.
This allows only one address to compare true at each
station, which makes the crew ICS panels inter-
Roll Call
The ICCG logic flow and roll call sequence are
described in the following text.
ROLL CALL 0. Roll call 0 is a spare on both the
inhale and exhale words. When the 800 microseconds
have elapsed, the roll call generator produces roll call 1.
ROLL CALL 1. The first part of roll call 1 is
exhaled from the SLU. Roll call 1 informs the GPDC
that a change in configuration or status has occurred
since the last roll call 1. The GPDC buffer and/or
multiplex lines (port 2) receives the exhale word from
the SLU. There are three components of the ICCG
hooked up to port 2. The IRC is the only ICCG com-
ponent that recognizes roll call 1, and it processes the
roll call through the digital control section, line receiver,
and inhale word register. In the inhale word register, the
Manchester word is decoded into the clock pulses and
the data word. The roll call is matched against the
address, and the decision is made whether or not to
proceed with the processing. The other two components
are processing the roll call 1 at the same time, but
because the address will not match, only the IRC will
continue processing.
In the IRC, the derived data is sent to the input
register under the control of the derived clock pulses.
Word validation begins at this time. As part of the word
validation process, the tag bit is examined. The tag bit
of roll call 1 is a binary 1 that identifies the word as a
status word from the SLU. A tag bit identification word
in the IRC is sent to the inhale/exhale word gate. At the
same time, the roll call 1 is sent to the exhale word inhibit
gate that starts a 500-microsecond timer. When the timer
times out, the exhale AND gate is enabled and the data
word is shifted into the exhale word assembly register.
The second part of roll call 1 is generated in the IRC.
The data originates in the exhale word generator, and it
represents the HF configuration. The configuration of
the data bits in the exhale word register is shown in table
1-2. Data bits 15 and 16 are USB and LSB. When the
USB/LSB switchlight is depressed to change from USB
to LSB, a pulse is generated that sets the bit 16 one-shot
circuit. As long as the switchlight is depressed, the