Figure 1-15.--Diesel Engine Operating Record--All Ships.
The Diesel Engine Operating Record, shown in
figure 1-15, is a daily record maintained for each
compressor Operating Data Log Sheet is shown in
operating diesel engine. For ships with more than one
figure 1-16. This log is kept by the operator who takes
diesel in the same machinery room, a separate record
and records readings at established intervals. For
sheet is maintained for each operating diesel engine. The
extended operation, a data log sheet should be filled out
watch supervisor enters the remarks and signs the record
during every watch. A log is helpful not only from the
for his or her watch. The engineer officer immediately
operational and maintenance standpoints but also as a
receives a report of any unusual conditions noted in the
t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g guide for detecting unusual and
record. The engineer officer then receives the record for
his or her approval.
inefficient operating conditions.
Depending on the ship's air system demand, the
a log for the main reduction gear is extremely important.
a c t u a l operating time on each compressor of a
This log should be kept in the engine room and the
multicompressor installation might differ. For each
readings must be taken and recorded at established
compressor to provide the best service, the operating
intervals. A reduction gear log serves as a guide in
time should be equalized over each quarterly period.
detecting unusual and inefficient operating conditions.
Reviewing the entries on these logs and noting the hours
Temperatures, pressures, and the presence of oil in the
r e c o r d e d will allow the operators to change the
sight flow indicators are important readings that should
operating sequence of the units accordingly.
be included on this log.