Efficiency can be maintained by a thorough training
rapidly for effective use of information. There are
program for all engineering personnel involved in log
several methods used to file messages. Your division
keeping. If all personnel are familiar with the filing
may file messages according to date-time group (DTG),
system, they will place the logs and records in the proper
precedence category, or subject matter. You should learn
your division's message filing system to help you locate
As a GSE2, you will likely be assigned to maintain
critical information.
a variety of files. Most routine files will involve those
Tickler Systems
for correspondence, messages, or tickler systems. Each
of these categories is briefly described in the following
A tickler system consists of record cards, usually
organized in a standard desk-top box, in chronological
or alphabetical order. This system makes handling
recurring reports simpler. The reports tickler file
C o r r e s p o n d e n c e includes all written material
requires daily attention if it is to be an effective tool. You
must keep it and the information it contains up to date,
publications, messages, memoranda, and so onsent to
and from a command. You must read and understand
and you must inform responsible personnel of current
requirements for reports.
these types of correspondence. The system used to file
your division's correspondence should be one that all
personnel can use.
The PMS Feedback Report (FBR) is a form ships
use to notify the Naval Sea Support Center
Messages are the quickest form of written
(NAVSEACEN) or the TYCOM of matters related to
c o m m u n i c a t i o n in the Navy. This is because our
PMS. The FBR is a five-part form composed of an
t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s system is capable of getting
original and four copies. A completed FBR is shown in
time-sensitive or critical information to addressees
figure 1-19. The front side, shown in view A, is used for
Figure 1-19.--PMS Feedback Report.