must be taken under the same heat load and circulating
(OOD) receives the original copy in time for submission
water temperature conditions.
to the commanding officer or command duty officer
with the 1200 reports. The OOD retains the copy.
Daily Reports and Records
DAILY WATER ACCOUNT.-- Some gas turbine
ships maintain a Daily Water Account. The Daily Water
Maintenance of daily fuel, lubricating oil, and water
Account is a daily record of the feedwater for the boilers
accounts is essential to the efficient operation of the
and the potable fresh water in the potable water tanks.
engineering department. The TYCOMs prescribe the
The data are recorded on the form by the oil king and
forms and procedures necessary to account for fresh
checked for accuracy by his or her leading petty officer.
water and fuel. These reports and records inform the
The division officer also checks the form. When
engineer officer of the status of the ship's liquid load and
completed and checked, the record is submitted to the
form the basis of several important reports, which are
engineer officer for his or her approval and signature.
sent to higher authority. The most important of these
reports is the report of the amount of burnable fuel on
Water Report, shown in figure 1-18, is a daily report of
From reading this chapter, you should recognize
the fuel and water status prepared to reflect these
that there are many logs and records engineering
conditions at 0000 hours. The commanding officer
department personnel are required to maintain. The
receives this report daily. The report contains data, such
responsibilities only begin with the accurate recording
as total fuel and total lube oil on board and the amount
of data for the machinery and equipment. The entries
must be made not only in the proper logs or records but
of potable water and reserve feedwater on board. The
Fuel and Water Report also includes the previous day's
also in the appropriate sections of these logs or records.
feedwater and potable water consumption figures and
One of the most important responsibilities will be
the results of the water tests. The officer of the deck
verifying the accuracy of these entries. The importance
Figure 1-18.--Fuel and Water Report.