Figure 5-13.--Wire bundles laced and tied in an electrical control panel.
3. End the lacing with a knot consisting of a clove
Double Cord Procedure.-- To lace a wire group or
hitch with an extra loop.
bundle with a double cord, use the following steps:
4. Trim the free ends of the lacing cord to a 3/8-inch
1. Start the lacing at the thick end of the wire group
or bundle with a bowline on a bight.
2. At regular intervals along the wire group or
bundle (and at each point where a wire group branches
off), continue the lacing with half hitches holding both
cords together. Space half hitches so the group or bundle
is neat and securely held.
3. End the lacing with a knot consisting of a half
hitch. Use one cord clockwise and the other
counterclockwise. Tie the cord ends with a square knot.
4. Trim the free ends of the lacing cord to a 3/8-inch
Figure 5-14.--Single-cord lacing.