Removing a Wire Wrap
Normally, inner wire wraps are placed near the bottom
of the pin to assure that additional wraps can be added
Normally, you should use a wire-wrap removal tool,
easily. If you have to remove a lower wire wrap, first
as shown in view A of figure 5-19, to remove a wire
remove each wrap above it. Do not remove a wire wrap
by trying to pull it along its axis, as shown in view B.
wrap. This precaution will prevent stress and possible
Remember, each wrap is easily identified because it is
damage to the wire-wrap pin. If you must remove the
formed from the multiple turns of a single solid wire.
wire by hand, however, unwrap the wire without
applying stress to the pin. You can accomplish this by
When removing a wire wrap from a pin, you must
g e n t l y uncoiling the wire with a slight rotating
be careful not to disturb other wraps on the same or
movement over the point of the pin. Make sure that the
adjacent pins or to dislodge the pin. This would cause
manner in which you remove the wire does not cause
movement of the pin itself, as shown in view B. If a pin
is bent, it will probably break when an effort is made to
straighten it. If a pin breaks, first ensure that the broken
length is not left in the wiring to cause possible shorts.
As with any process, certain advantages and
Then take the necessary steps to install a new pin.
disadvantages are associated with wire wrapping. A
good technician can recognize the pros and cons and can
use this knowledge for maintenance and
troubleshooting purposes. A few of the advantages and
disadvantages are discussed in the following sections.
Some of the advantages associated with wire
wrapping are described in the following list:
1. It is a simplified technique for repairs. (YOU can
just uncoil the wires to remove them and use the proper
simple tool to replace them.)
2. There is no possibility for solder spills. (This
m e a n s you can make repairs without removing
3. There is no danger of the components
o v e r h e a t i n g . (This is not the case in soldering
4. You can perform more in-equipment repairs, and
repair times are faster.
5. There is no danger of burns to ship's personnel.
(This is not the case when hot soldering irons are used.)
6. It provides for durable electrical contact. (The
results are just as good as those achieved with good
soldering techniques, and better than those resulting
from bad soldering.)
Recognizing the cons of wire wrapping will help
you in some of your troubleshooting efforts. The
Figure 5-19.--Wire-wrap removal procedures.
following list describes some of the cons: