top switch/indicators are for the GBs. When
the GEN 3 CB CLOSE indicator is illumi-
The distribution panel (A-2) (fig. 8-24) is the
nated, the breaker is closed. When the GEN
lower panel. It contains the air conditioning
3 CB OPEN switch/indicator is depressed, it
(A/C), alarm acknowledge, lamp test, SWBD,
will open the CB and cause the indicator
shore power, load shedding, start air, gas turbine
to illuminate. When the GEN 3 CB CLOSE
control, and synchronization sections.
switch/indicator is depressed, it will send a
close command to the GB and the indicator
will illuminate. The BT CB switch/indicators
function the same as the GB switch/indicators.
This section has two subsections. The
A typical label for a BT is 3S-1S BT CB
POWER section has a RESTR push-button
CLOSE and 3S-1S BT CB OPEN. Each breaker
switch. It is used to restore power to A/C plants
has two switch/indicators.
1, 2, 3, and 4. The other subsection is RESTART.
It has four push-button switches, one for each
A/C plant. When a switch is illuminated, it can
section has three indicator lights. The left
be used to restart the indicated A/C plant.
indicator is LOCAL CONTROL. It indicates that
the control of that SWBD's breakers is at the
SWBD. The other two indicators are under the
label OUT OF LIMIT. The left indicator is for
VOLTAGE. The right is for FREQ. The
appropriate indicator will illuminate when the
voltage or frequency of the related SWBD is not
within the required limits.
Alarm Acknowledge Section
This section has the ALARM ACK push-
button switch. When it is depressed, the
following events will occur:
The audible alarms will be silenced.
The alarm indicator will go to a steady
The plasma display will indicate acknowl-
Lamp Test Section
This section has the LAMP TEST push-button
This section has three indicators and one
switch. When it is depressed, all indicator lights
switch/indicator. The left indicator is CURRENT
will illuminate and all LED meter segment lights
HIGH. It indicates the current on shore
will indicate full scale.
power is above the preset limit. The middle
indicator is ANY CB CLOSED. It indicates
Switchboard Section
that a shore power circuit breaker is closed.
The right indicator is AVAIL. It indicates
This section is the upper portion of the lower
the shore power cables are connected and
panel. It displays a mimic bus depicting the
energized up to the SWBD. The switch/indicator
physical arrangement of the electric plant and BTs.
is ALL CB OPEN. It indicates all shore power
It has the controls for the GBs and the SWBDs.