Up to this point we have discussed the
then describe the auxiliary equipment found on
construction, indicators, and controls of the main
FFG-7 and DDG-51 class ships. We will describe
propulsion and electric plant consoles. Also
the indicators and controls associated with each
located in the central control station (CCS) of gas
console and related watch-stander responsibilities.
turbine-powered ships are important auxiliary
After reading this chapter and completing the
equipment and consoles. This equipment allows
associated nonresident training course (NRTC),
the CCS watches to monitor and/or control
you should understand the basic functions of the
various auxiliary and damage control systems
auxiliary equipment and consoles of gas turbine
from a central, remote location and provides for
ships. You should also recognize the respon-
the automatic logging of vital parameters and
sibilities of each watch stander as they relate to
the operation and control of this equipment.
The watches in CCS are responsible for
The material in this chapter is for training
operating and monitoring the ship's engineering
purposes only. It is not meant to replace the
plant. For this reason, they must also be familiar
Engineering Operational Sequencing System
with the operation of the auxiliary equipment and
(EOSS) or technical manuals. With the help of
consoles. This equipment includes the following
an experienced Gas Turbine Systems Technician
(Electrical) (GSE) or Gas Turbine Systems
Technician (Mechanical) (GSM) and by using the
Propulsion and auxiliary machinery infor-
knowledge gained in this chapter, following the
mation system equipment (PAMISE)
EOSS, and completing Personnel Qualification
Standards (PQS) requirements, you should have
Fuel system control console (FSCC)
no problem qualifying in all aspects of the
auxiliary consoles in CCS.
Auxiliary control console (ACC)
Damage control console (DCC)
Bell and data loggers
Repair station console (RSC)
The propulsion and auxiliary machinery infor-
mation system equipment (PAMISE) receives,
Data multiplex system (DMS)
evaluates, and logs the performance parameters
of the propulsion plant, electric plant, and selected
This equipment allows the number of watch
ship's auxiliaries. The PAMISE consists of the
standers for the entire engineering plant to be kept
central information system equipment (CISE), a
to a minimum. Alarms and status indicators keep
digital computer, signal conditioning equipment
the CCS operators aware of plant conditions,
(S/CE), and two line printers. The CISE is located
digital displays and meters show them the vital
in CCS. A set of S/CE is located in each of the
main engine rooms (MERs). Another set is located
parameters, and switches and push buttons allow
them to control the equipment from a central
in CCS. Each signal conditioner functions as a
central gathering point for sensory inputs. It
In this chapter, we will first discuss the opera-
processes these inputs so that they will be
tion and control of the auxiliary equipment found
compatible for computer use and performs alarm
on DD-963/993 and CG-47 class ships. We will
signal generation as needed.