equipment. This panel detects and displays
S/CEs No. 2 and No. 3 monitor the main
malfunctions that occur within the ECSS and
propulsion parameters. The five basic types of
provides for calibration of numerous circuit
signal conditioning include
cards. The serial clock and the system can
1. voltage signal conditioning,
also be reset at this panel. The self-test panel
2. current signal conditioning,
3. RTE signal conditioning,
and MALFUNCTION. There is one self-test
panel on each of the S/CEs.
Refer to section A in figure 9-3. The
Each of these conditioners receives a sensor
or external signal conditioner voltage, current,
status indicators, two toggle switches, and a four-
resistive, or frequency input, respectively. These
position rotary switch. The operator uses this
inputs are converted to a 0- to 10-volt dc analog
section to calibrate and adjust the set points on
signal and are processed by other electronic
various circuit cards and to display the results of
circuitry of the ECSS for alarm generation, analog
these adjustments. The LEDs on this section will
meter display, and digital demand displays. The
visually display the following information:
PAMISE is designed so that discrete contact
sensor signals are allowed to pass through the
Type of calibration
signal conditioners unaffected.
Card out of slot or wrong slot status
The S/CE No. 1 is located in CCS and is a
part of the CISE. The S/CE No. 2 is located in
Adjustment type
MER No. 2, and the S/CE No. 3 is located in
Card type
MER No. 1. The S/CEs consist of a self-test panel
Results of adjustments
ECSS electronics. All three units are basically the
The first toggle switch is a two-position switch
same. We will, however, point out any significant
labeled ADJ TYPE. The operator uses this switch
differences throughout our discussion.
to select the type of desired adjustment. The
The self-test panel, shown in figure 9-3 for
adjustment type can be either ZERO or GAIN.
S/CE No. 1 and in figure 9-4 for S/CEs No. 2
The other toggle switch is a three-position
and No. 3, provides a method for the ECU to
switch. The operator uses this switch to turn the
generate self-test signals to various ECSS
Figure 9-3.--CISE self-test panel.