under widely varying conditions. These include
internal pressure, humidity, temperature,
In this chapter you have learned about
vaporization, and carbon deposits on the spark
the principles and construction of GTEs. We
igniter. To accomplish this, the capacitor
have discussed the evolution of the GTE, the
discharges a spark of very high energy (about
theory of operation, classifications of the
100,000 watts). This concentration of maximum
energy in minimum time achieves an optimum
different types of engines, and their subsystem
components. Many other publications are
spark for ignition purposes. This spark is capable
available that discuss GTE construction in
of blasting carbon deposits and vaporizing
depth. This chapter was provided to give you
globules of fuel.
Spark igniters are of several types. Some
the basis on which to expand your knowledge
resemble common automobile spark plugs. The
of marine GTEs. You may not feel you
understand the temperature-pressure relation-
more common annular gap types are shown in
ships in a simple GTE at this point. If so,
figure 1-40. Since they do not operate continually,
you should review the sections of this chapter
they are usually durable and reliable, requiring
only occasional cleaning to remove carbon from
related to theory before continuing on to the
material that follows.
the tip and ceramic barrel.