Oxygen components test standsContinued
oxygen component test stand 1172AS100,
11-3 to 11-10
check valve connections, 11-9
control valves, 11-6 to 11-7
measuring control valves, 11-6
to 11-7
nonmeasuring control valves,
gauges and indicators, 11-7 to 11-8
on/off valves, 11-4
regulators, 11-7
safety precautions, 11-10
selector valves, 11-4
shufoff valves, 11-7
test stand connections, 11-8
vacuum pump, 11-9 to 11-10
Vol-O-Flo elements, 11-4 to 11-6
Oxygen masks, 4-24 to 4-32
attachment of bayonet and receiver
mechanism, 4-28 to 4-31
preflight/postflight inspection, 4-31 to
pressure-demand oxygen mask MBU-12/P,
4-24 to 4-28
Oxygen-related components, 12-1 to 12-33
aircraft panel-mounted regulators, 12-6 to
12-8 to 12-9
calendar/phased/SDLM inspections,
12-9 to 12-18
bench test, 12-9
inward leakage test, 12-9 to
service life, 12-9
maintenance, 12-7
transfer inspections, 12-7 to 12-8
calendar inspection, 12-26 to 12-33
bench test, 12-27
capacitance test (empty), 12-28
capacitance test (full), 12-30 to 12-31
converter assembly purge, 12-27 to
converter charge, 12-32 to 12-33
converter leakage text, 12-29 to 12-30
evaporation loss test (buildup and
supply mode), 12-31
evaporation loss test (vented mode),
12-31 to 12-32
fill and buildup time test, 12-30
flow test, 12-32
insulation resistance test (empty),
Oxygen related componentsContinued
calendar inspectionContinued
relief valve test, 12-28 to 12-29
service life, 12-27
visual inspection, 12-27
configuration and function, 12-18 to
daily/preflight inspection, 12-2 to 12-6
bench test, 12-3 to 12-6
calendar inspection, 12-2
special inspections, 12-2
visual inspection, 12-2 to 12-3
liquid oxygen converters, 12-18
maintenance, 12-24 to 12-26
flight/postflight and transfer
inspections, 12-24
functional test, 12-25 to 12-26
visual inspection, 12-25
performance testing, 12-21 to 12-24
converter charge, 12-24
converter leakage, 12-24
fill and buildup time, 12-24
flow, 12-24
performance test sheet preparation,
12-23 to 12-24
relief valve, 12-24
Parachute actuators, automatic, 2-1 to 2-9
Performance testing, 12-21 to 12-24
converter charge, 12-24
converter leakage, 12-24
fill and buildup time, 12-24
flow, 12-24
relief valve, 12-24
Personnel parachute familiarization, 1-1 to
compliance with current directives, 1-30
components of parachutes, 1-5 to 1-11
canopies, 1-6 to 1-10
parachute containers, 1-10
parachute harness, 1-10
pilot chute, 1-5 to 1-6
ripcords, 1-11
suspension lines, 1-10
harness hardware, 1-11 to 1-13
adapters, 1-12
connector links, 1-13
Koch release adapters, 1-13
snaps, 1-12 to 1-13