Rations, 5-4
Rescue and survival equipmentContinued
References, AII-1 to AII-3
Release assembly lanyard and ripcord
assembly, installation of, 3-13 to 3-14
Relief valve, RV-11, 11-15
Rescue and survival equipment, 5-1 to 5-24
canned drinking water, 5-4 to 5-5
helicopter rescue devices, 5-12 to 5-24
cable grip, 5-21 to 5-22
calendar inspection, 5-22
cleaning, 5-22
maintenance, 5-22
forest penetrator and flotation collar,
5-15 to 5-17
cleaning, 5-16 to 5-17
inspection, 5-16
maintenance, 5-16
hoist quick-splice plate, 5-21
calendar inspection, 5-21
cleaning, 5-21
maintenance, 5-21
pneumatic rescue hand tool, 5-22 to
calendar inspection, 5-23 to 5-24
cleaning, 5-24
maintenance, 5-23
rescue harness, 5-18 to 5-20
calendar inspection, 5-18 to 5-20
cleaning, 5-20
maintenance, 5-18
preflight inspection, 5-18
rescue hook, 5-20 to 5-21
calendar inspection, 5-21
cleaning, 5-21
maintenance, 5-20
rescue net, 5-17 to 5-18
cleaning, 5-18
inspection, 5-18
maintenance, 5-18
rescue seat, 5-14, to 5-15
cleaning, 5-15
inspection, 5-15
maintenance, 5-15
survivors sling, 5-13 to 5-14
calendar inspections, 5-14
maintenance, 5-14
individual aircrewmans survival kit
(SRU-31/P), 5-3 to 5-4
general packet, 5-4
inspection, 5-4
medical packet, 5-3
rations, 5-4
signaling equipment and devices, 5-1 to
distress light (SDU-5/E), 5-3
dye marker, 5-1
Mk 13 Mod 0 signal flare, 5-2 to 5-3
Mk 79, Mod 0 illumination signal
kit, 5-2
signaling mirror, 5-1 to 5-2
survival radios and beacons, 5-5 to 5-12
AN/PRC-63 radio set, 5-5 to 5-7
battery replacement, 5-7
function and use of operating
controls, 5-6
general principles of operation,
5-5 to 5-6
inspections, 5-7
AN/PRC-90 radio set, 5-7 to 5-10
batteries, 5-8
operating procedure, 5-8 to 5-10
AN/PRT-5 transmitting set, 5-11 to
AN/URT-33A beacon set radio, 5-10
to 5-11
Rigging, parachute, 3-4 to 3-15
Ripcord pull test, 1-24
Ripcords, parachute, 1-11
Rotary sewing machines, 9-18 to 9-39
RSSK-8 series seat survival kit, 7-1 to 7-3
Safety precautions, 11-10
Sailmakers palm, hand tool, 10-12
SDU-5/E, distress light, 5-3
Seams and knots, 10-20 to 10-30
hand-sewn seams, 10-20 to 10-24
knots 10-28, to 10-30
machine-sewn seams, 10-24 to 10-28
Seat, rescue, 5-14 to 5-15
Seat survival kit, 7-1 to 7-9
inspections, 7-3 to 7-9
acceptance/phased/SDLM inspections,
7-4 to 7-8
functional check, 7-7 to 7-8
swaged ball pull test, 7-4 to 7-7
visual inspection, 7-4
purging and charging emergency
oxygen systems, 7-8 to 7-9
RSSK-8 series seat survival kit, 7-1 to 7-3
Seats, inflatable, 6-6