Textbook Assignment: Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) and Maintenance Administration.
Pages 1-1 through 2-17.
What publication or instruction seeks to
achieve and improve aviation material
readiness and safety standards through the
optimum use of resources?
1. NAVAIR 00-25-100
2. SECNAVINST 5215.5
3. OPNAVINST 4790.2
NAVAIR 00-25-300
At what level of maintenance are aircraft
servicing and preflight inspections
1. Organizational
2. Intermediate
3. Depot
4. Rework
At what level of maintenance is shop-type
testing of aircraft components most likely
1. Organizational
2. Intermediate
3. Depot
4. Rework
1-4. What type of maintenance is performed in
large industrial-type facilities by military and
civilian personnel?
1. Organizational
2. Intermediate
3. Depot
4. Upkeep
Separation of aircraft maintenance tasks into
three levels of maintenance is based on space
requirements, skill level of personnel, scope
of responsibility, and what other factor?
1. Number of aircraft
2. Size of aircraft
3. Complexity of tasks
4. Number of tasks to be accomplished
1-6. What maintenance level removes and installs
a component on an aircraft?
1. Organizational
2. Intermediate
3. Depot
4. Upkeep
1-7. What level of maintenance repairs and bench
tests a defective hydraulic pump?
1. Organizational
2. Intermediate
3. Depot
4. Upkeep
1-8. What level of maintenance manufactures
aircraft modification kits?
1. Organizational
2. Intermediate
3. Depot
4. Upkeep
1-9. At what level or levels of maintenance are
civilians normally the primary source of
1. Organizational only
2. Intermediate only
3. Depot only
4. Organizational, intermediate, or depot