1-29. In an IMA, responsibility for the cleanlinessand security of vacant or unassigned spacesrests with what work center or division?1. Maintenance administration2. Aircraft3. Production control4. Avionics/Armament1-30. In an IMA, what work center or divisionscreens an incoming component to determinethe responsibility and capability for repair ofthe component?1. Production control2. Quality assurance3. AMSU4. Maintenance administration1-31. In an IMA, what work center or divisionplans, schedules, and assigns maintenancetasks within the maintenance department?1. Maintenance control2. Production control3. Maintenance administration4. Material control1-32. In an IMA, what work center or divisionmaintains aircraft electrical systems?1. Aviation life support systems2. Airframes3. Avionics4. Power plants1-33. In an IMA, what work center or divisionmaintains mobile electric power plants?1. Airframes2.Power plants3. Aviation life support systems4. Support equipmentA. Maintaining a master maintenancemessage boardB. Drafting and publishing the 3MSummaryC. Receiving and distributing mailD. Preparing maintenance-relatedcorrespondenceFigure 1 -AIN ANSWERING QUESTION 1-34, REFER TOFIGURE 1 -A.1-34.The responsibilities of the maintenanceadministration division include what taskor tasks?1.2.A and B onlyA, B, and D only3.A, C, and D only4.A, B, C, and D1-35.After checking into the maintenanceadministration division, you shouldimmediately ascertain which of thefollowing information?1.Function of the office2.Function of the activity3.Names of people in your chain ofcommand4.Each of the above1-36.Which of the following is the best use ofyour time during periods of office slacktime?1.Studying for your rating exam2.Visiting with your shipmates3.Completing a challenging crosswordpuzzle4.Reading the latest edition of Mechmagazine4
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