All aircraft maintenance that is performed
1-14. A line relationship is a relationship that exists
within naval aviation falls in what two
between what two organizational
1. Rework and inspections
2. Inspections and servicing
3. Servicing and upkeep
4. Upkeep and rework
1. A servicing staff supervisor and a
production line supervisor
2. A superior and a subordinate
3. Two subordinates
4. Two departments
Maintenance is required to restore an aircraft
structurally in an industrial-type facility.
This is an example of what type of
1-15. What officer directly supervises the
production divisions of an aviation
organizational maintenance activity?
1. Upkeep
2. Rework
3. Servicing
4. Inspecting
1. Commanding officer
2. Maintenance officer
3. Maintenance material control officer
4. Assistant maintenance officer
On naval air stations, what department or
division conducts organizational-level
maintenance on assigned aircraft?
1-16. What is the function of a staff division within
an organizational maintenance activity?
1. The AIMD of the air station
2. Operations maintenance division of an
onboard tenant squadron
3. Operations maintenance department of an
onboard tenant squadron
4. Operations maintenance division of the
air station
1. To control the workload
2. To provide administrative services and
support for production divisions
3. To schedule aircraft through all phases of
the maintenance process
4. To prescribe and set policy for the
maintenance department
What type or types of personnel staff an
1-17. What work center at an OMA maintains a
master message board with a record of the
actions that were taken?
1. Permanently assigned civilian personnel
2. Permanently assigned civilian personnel
and permanently assigned military
3. Permanently assigned military personnel
and designated temporarily assigned
military personnel from organizational-
level maintenance activities
4. Permanently assigned military personnel
and designated temporarily assigned
civilian personnel from depot-level
maintenance activities
1. Maintenance control
2. Quality assurance
3. Maintenance administration
4. Material control
1-18. What is the basic concept of quality
1. Data correction
2. Data validation
3. Defect correction
4. Defect prevention