Naval Flight Record SubsystemContinued
Monthly Aircraft Utilization Report (NAV-
FLIRS-1), 4-26
Monthly Individual Flight Activity Report
(NAVFLIRS-3), 4-49
NAVFLIRS Daily Audit Report, 4-24
Naval messages, 2-14
Navy Oil Analysis Program, 5-36
No Defect Report (MDR-12), 5-17
Office arrangement and procedures, 2-2
desk arrangement, 2-3
office arrangement, 2-2
office machines, 2-4
receptionist duties, 2-3
taking instructions, 2-4
telephone procedures, 2-3
use of working hours, 2-4
Official correspondence, 2-7
OPNAV XRAY report, 7-2
correction, 7-15
data element fields, 7-2
Organizational maintenance, 1-2, 1-5
Periodic maintenance information cards, 4-4
Planned Maintenance System publications, 3-2
checklists, 3-2
daily, special, preservation, conditional, and
aircraft service period manuals, 3-2
maintenance requirements cards, 4-2
periodic maintenance information cards, 3-2, 4-4
sequence control cards, 4-4
Planned Maintenance System, 4-2
4790/136A), 6-17, 8-10
Production control tasks, 4-1
Publications, 3-1
Quality assurance, 1-7
Quality assurance division, 1-10
Quality deficiency report, 3-27
Repair Cycle Data Report (MDR-9), 5-7
Repair/Rework Record (OPNAV 4790/23A), 6-10, 8-7
Reports management, 2-22
Reports tickler file, 2-22
Scheduled Removal Component Card (OPNAV
4790/28A), 6-24, 8-15
Standard subject identification codes, 2-20
Stores loading list, 3-2
Stores reliability cards, 3-2
Structural Life Limits (OPNAV 4790/142), 6-4
Structural repair manual, 3-2
Subsystem Capability Impact Reporting (SCIR), 5-17
codes, 5-19
reports, 5-20
terms, 5-19
Support Equipment Inventory Reporting, 5-20
Support equipment records, 5-39
Tactical manuals, 3-3
Technical Directive Compliance Report (MDR 4-1),
Technical Directives (OPNAV 4790/24A), 6-10, 8-7
Technical directives, 3-7
completion, supersedure, and cancellation, 3-8
management, 3-10
numbering system, 3-10
priority, 3-8
requisitioning, 3-13
updating, 3-8
Technical manual identification numbering system, 3-3