1-19. Maintaining the central technical publications
library is a function of what work center?
1. Maintenance control
2. Quality assurance
3. Material control
4. Maintenance administration
1-20. What work center verifies an MRCs
incorporation into the NALCOMIS database?
1. Quality assurance
2. Maintenance control
3. Maintenance administration
4. Cognizant production work center
1-21. In an OMA, what work center maintains
aircraft logbooks and associated records?
1. Production control
2. Maintenance control
3. Quality assurance
4. Maintenance administration
1-22. In an OMA, what work center is the liaison
between the maintenance department and the
local aviation supply department (ASD)?
1. Maintenance control
2. Material control
3. Maintenance administration
4. Quality assurance
1-23. In an OMA operating under NALCOMIS,
what work center collects, screens, and
forwards MDS data to the data services
1. Maintenance control
2. Material control
3. Quality assurance
4. Maintenance administration
1-24. If an item of accountable material is lost,
damaged, or destroyed, the material control
work center should initiate what action?
1. Investigation
2. Search
3. Survey
4. Inquest
1-25. Within the maintenance department, what
work center or division inventories aircraft
upon receipt and transfer?
1. Maintenance control
2. Quality assurance
3. Material control
4. Operations
1-26. What are the organizational elements of an
OMA maintenance department?
1. Aircraft, line, avionics/armament, and
unmanned aerial vehicle
2. Avionics/armament, aircraft, and quality
3. Aircraft, line, power plants, and
4. Line, airframes, power plants, and
1-27. Which of the following is a function of the
line division?
1. Administering the plane captain program
2. Maintaining custody of support equipment
3. Performing daily inspections
4. Each of the above
1-28. In an IMA, the management of the
maintenance administration work center is the
responsibility of what officer?
1. Maintenance officer
2. Maintenance material control officer
3. Administration department officer
4. Assistant maintenance officer