CAUTIONThe control valve lever must never be held orleft in any position between 1 and 2 or 2 and 3,since this allows fluid to drain from theaccumulator, through the system, to the gravitytank.The power package accumulator does not containsufficient fluid to raise and lower the stanchions morethan three times without the pump operating.Approximately 20 minutes is required for the pump toreplenish fluid to the operating level in the accumulator,if stanchions are cycled three times without the pumpoperating. The READY CONDITION for normaloperation specifies 1,500 psi accumulator pressure;however, stanchions will raise and lower, taking alonger period of time with a lower pressure, as isexperienced if stanchions are cycled without the pumpoperating. Pressure at the start of the third cycle will beapproximately 850 psi without the pump operating.If the stanchions are cycled more than three timeswithout the pump operating, air will enter the pipingand cylinders, and fluid will overflow the gravity tank.It is then necessary to fill, vent, and charge the systemas specified in the applicable operating manual.During the READY and SECURE conditions, thefollowing checks are to be made:3-44CONTROLLEVERCONTROL VALVE(4-WAY)ABEf0346Figure 3-46.—Barricade stanchion controls.
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